Most foursquare dome straits quay related news are at:
– A Coffeeholic's Travel Tale
Pam's moved! 24 Jun 2012 | 02:13 pm
I have recently created a new blog and the will not be updated anymore. You can now find me on Cheers, Pam
Leaving for London and Paris... 25 May 2012 | 02:00 pm
Mum and I are leaving for London tomorrow morning. It has been 4 years since our last visit to London and Paris. We just can't wait to visit these beautiful countries again as we did not manage to cov...
More foursquare dome straits quay related news:
Happy 2011 at Straits Quay 1 Jan 2011 | 10:24 pm
It has been more than a year I did not update my blog Welcome back to blogging Happy New Year 2011 to all my dearies ^^ Celebrating the Year of 2011 at Straits Quay Dining in DOME instead of Blue Re...