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Reiner Knizia’s Ra《太阳神》评测:太阳神之赐,尼罗河文明 27 Aug 2013 | 04:34 pm

背景 古埃及,尼罗河流域的古老文明,四大文明古国之一。自公元前4500年开始,以水立国,传承更替。浓厚的宗教色彩引领崇拜,金字塔、狮身人面像堪称神迹。 古埃及历史的延续中,有三个时期不得不提。 古王国时期(约公元前2665-2155年) 中王国时期(约公元前2130-1650年) 新王国时期(约公元前1555-1080年) Ra(拉)起初是埃及众多太阳神之一,随着古王国第五王朝的强大,...

多人乱斗才火爆!《龙珠Z》PS游戏对战视频曝光 27 Aug 2013 | 03:13 pm

龙珠的PS 3、Xbox 360、PS vita平台游戏名为《龙珠Z BATTLE OF Z》,目前价格和发售时间未定,游戏最多可四人合作,进行八人战斗,玩家可以充分体验联网对战的乐趣。在剧场版动画《龙珠Z 神与神》中登场的超级赛亚人之神也将出现!朋友们快来看看最新曝光的游戏预告片吧,多人乱斗的场景相当带感哦!

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Adam & Kelley Brown a Daring SEAL Team Family You Must Remember. A Riveting True Story. 30 Jun 2013 | 07:11 pm

In summation, this book is about a fun spirited young man from Hot Springs Arkansas who then served on the same Navy SEAL team that ultimately killed Osama bin Laden. A man who spent time in jail with...

Exploring Caves at Wind Cave National Park 26 Jul 2013 | 08:54 pm

The Black Hills in South Dakota are famous for their rocks.  But some of the most fascinating stones are found nearly 20 stories below ground at Wind Cave National Park near Hot Springs.  One of the l...

Adam & Kelley Brown a Daring SEAL Team Family You Must Remember. A Riveting True Story. 30 Jun 2013 | 07:11 pm

In summation, this book is about a fun spirited young man from Hot Springs Arkansas who then served on the same Navy SEAL team that ultimately killed Osama bin Laden. A man who spent time in jail with...

Playing With Your Food (and Your Mom Would Approve): Shabu Hot Pot & Noodle Bar 26 May 2013 | 04:00 am

This entry is part of a series, Austin Scene» This tale begins with a trip with my spouse into north Austin to buy a bicycle. Although the story has roots further back, for me… A spring sale at Perf...

It’s Hot Out There! 13 Jun 2013 | 08:32 pm

According to the calendar it’s still Spring, but the heat is telling a different story. Its HOT, HOT, HOT!  To make Summer heat a little more bearable, why not “cool down” with some of these fun theme...

Playing With Your Food (and Your Mom Would Approve): Shabu Hot Pot & Noodle Bar 26 May 2013 | 04:00 am

This entry is part of a series, Austin Scene» This tale begins with a trip with my spouse into north Austin to buy a bicycle. Although the story has roots further back, for me… A spring sale at Perf...

17315 Alhaven Drive Spring, TX 77388 – $147,000 (SOLD) 17 Oct 2012 | 02:01 am

Lots of room in this great 2 story home. A backyard oasis with an awesome pool and spa for BBQs and fun on those hot summer days. Sprinkler system in front and back. Generous sized bedrooms upstairs. ...

Children’s Claritin Puts The Spring in Your Step #ClaritinMoms 26 Jun 2013 | 01:58 am

* I am a Claritin Mom Crew Member and received samples and products. All thoughts and runny nose stories are mine!*    This weather has been killing me. It’s hot, it’s cold, it’s rainy and the boys an...

How You See It Depends On How You See It 29 Jul 2013 | 03:00 pm

Let me tell you a story… It was a beautiful spring day where the sun was shining but it wasn’t too hot to do a good days work. The farmer began to plow the field bright and early in the morning. He wa...

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