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Bulimia 23 Aug 2011 | 12:37 am
Bulimia atau nama lain nya Bulimia Nervosa adalah salah satu cara pemakanan yg salah. Penderita bulimia mempunyanyi satu misi yang nyata iaitu untuk mengakalkan tubuh badan mereka yg langsing. Mereka ...
11 months bulimia free, are you effing kidding me? 13 Oct 2009 | 12:20 pm
I can't believe I'm writing these words... Since November 2008, the soul-sucking disease known as bulimia nervosa has not been a part of my life. I wish I could describe to you the elation I feel eac...
Nursing Key outcomes, Nursing interventions and Patient teaching Nursing Care Plans for Bulimia Nervosa 8 Oct 2009 | 02:59 am
Nursing Key outcomes Nursing Care Plans for Bulimia Nervosa, The patient will: State strategies to reduce levels of anxiety. Express positive feelings about self. Have regular bowel elimination pat...
Bulimia Nervosa 12 Mar 2011 | 08:54 pm
Eating disorders bulimia is characterized by repeated binge eating (compulsive overeating) which later on followed by a compensatory behavior such as purging. Purging is a certain behavior in eating ...
I Can’t Stop Binge Eating and Purging. This is the story of Kim. Kim has bulimia and cannot stop binge/purging. Take a look at the world throug... 27 Jan 2011 | 04:28 am
Bulimia nervosa has been classified as an eating disorder only since the late 1980’s. Bulimia comes from a Greek word and means ravenous hunger but that certainly does not describe how I feel. My nam...
Dr. Berkus shares her knowledge and explains what bulimia nervosa is 30 May 2012 | 08:34 pm
Dr. Berkus shares her knowledge and explains what bulimia nervosa is
Bulimia nervosa related disorders 30 May 2012 | 08:53 am
Bulimics are much more likely than non-bulimics to have an affective disorder, such as depression or general anxiety disorder: A 1985 Columbia University study on female bulimics at New York State Psy...
Bulimia Nervosa signs and symptoms 23 Apr 2012 | 08:48 am
These bulimic cycles often involve rapid and out-of-control eating, which may stop when the bulimic is interrupted by another person or the stomach hurts from overextension, followed by self-induced v...
What is bulimia nervosa 5 Mar 2012 | 11:22 am
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by restraining of food intake for a period of time followed by an over intake or binging period that results in feelings of guilt and low self-estee...