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Kain Batik Tulis Khas Madura 13 Mar 2013 | 10:43 am

Mau lihat koleksi kain batik tulis khas madura? Motiv beragam cocok untuk pria dan wanita Harga murah…harga mulai Rp 85.000 PIN : 25A39E17 / 24BFDABA Telp : 085646569343 / 081326716722 FB : andana gal...

Keikhlasan yang Berbuah Kebajikan 17 Jan 2013 | 09:32 am

Cuaca hari ini sangat sangat panas. Mbah Sarno terus mengayuh sepeda tuanya menyisir jalan perumahan Condong Catur demi menyambung hidup. Mbah Sarno sudah puluhan tahun berprofesi sebagai tukang sol s...

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Nikah Sekarang? Siapa Takut! 21 Sep 2011 | 02:55 pm

Judul Buku    : Nikah Sekarang? Siapa Takut! Penulis        : Akhmad Muhaimin Azzet Penerbit    : Diva Press, Yogyakarta Tebal        : 251 hlm. Harga        : Rp. 32.000,- ISBN        : 978-602-...

Rahasia Sulap Matematika 17 Jan 2011 | 04:40 pm

Rahasia Sulap Matematika Selingkar Rumah Idea Pustaka Yogyakarta Cet. I, 2011; 160 x 155 mm; 116+ix halaman ISBN : 078- 602-98333-0-0 Selama ini matematika cenderung dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang sul...

Why I Chose Illuminations Homeschool Curriculum 10 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm

Hi, I’m Ticia, I’m a Bright Ideas Press addict.  I also am a curriculum junkie, and I am disorganized.  You need to know these things for the rest of this post to make sense. When Illuminations first...

New App Store 25 May 2012 | 10:02 am

What’s an app? That’s a question we get very often so we decided to completely remove the idea and just present you with what the apps actually look like. So when you press “Apps”, you’ll see the actu...

Cambridge University Press - The Wealth of Ideas - A History of Economic Thought 16 May 2012 | 12:23 am

ALESSANDRO RONCAGLIA, The Wealth of Ideas: a History of Economic Thought, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005; pp. xiv+582. Alessandro Roncaglia's new book on the history of economics is a ve...

Food Nursery--where food and drink ideas are nurtured.(EVOLUTION): An article from: Food Trade Review by Food Trade Press Ltd 27 May 2012 | 05:43 am

We are happy to stock the famous Food Nursery--where food and drink ideas are nurtured.(EVOLUTION): An article from: Food Trade Review. With so many on offer these days, it is good to have a brand yo...

Tips On How To Manage Your Personal Finances 2 May 2012 | 06:31 pm

Ideas On How To Handle Your Personal Finances Would not it be wonderful to never fear about income? Unfortunately, income is a pressing concern for just about absolutely everyone. That’s why it is es...

Kla project-yogyakarta 18 Oct 2011 | 06:38 pm

Press ctrl + C to Copy html embedded music code and ctrl + V to put on your Blog or Website All Music are property and copyright of their respective owners All Music are provided for informational ...

Facebook Buys E-book Maker Push Pop Press, Plans to Integrate its Tech 19 Jan 2012 | 01:00 am

Push pop is the digital book software company that is known for creating high interactive iOS version. Social Networking is rather snatched up the startup and allows some of the technology, ideas and ...

Adventure Lab, part 3: 5 lessons learned on brainstorming 8 May 2012 | 08:16 am

With teams formed and pressing ahead with the first assignment one of the first tasks on the list is idea generation. I'm sure some folks came to the course with a great idea, but what if you could in...

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