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Apple Starts Training, Roll-out Of iPhone Trade-In Program 27 Aug 2013 | 06:21 am
Apple has started the roll-out and training of U.S. based retail employees for a new iPhone trade-in program. This would allow for customers to trade-in their old iPhones in exchange for a credit towa...
Apple iPhone Charger Exchange Valid In UK Region 14 Aug 2013 | 01:52 pm
Recently the top classy Apple Smartphone Company is come releasing an exchange scheme which will allows the users who have purchase the fake chargers for their handsets like Apple iPhone 5 and other m...
Username and Password are Incorrect When Connecting iPhone to Exchange via IMAP 23 Aug 2013 | 05:33 am
The login info is absolutely correct because I can use the same accessing through OWA as well as POP3 but just couldn’t via IMAP. The fix is extremely simple as well. First of all, the format of use...
Selling : Apple Iphone 4s 64Gb And Apple iPad 2 Wifi + 3G – 64Gb 21 Mar 2012 | 11:27 pm
Shipping Method : FedEx and DHL Delivery Time : 2-3days Delivery To Your Door Step. Email : [email protected] MsN : [email protected] SKYPE : offersales1 Promo Offer: Purcha...
Wrangling your Gmail Contacts on your iPhone 30 Nov 2011 | 03:44 pm
So you’re a big Gmail user, right? And of course on your iPhone, you have your Gmail setup as an Exchange (aka Google Sync) account, like any normal person would, right? This gives you push email and ...
Satılık:Apple iPhone 4S 64GB/Apple iPad 3+4G 64GB WIFI 9 May 2012 | 07:14 pm
COMPANY NAME: APPLE PROMOTION LIMITED E-mail: [email protected] Email US @ : appleresellers(at)hotmail(.)com Y!Messenger : [email protected] Phone: +447024081030 PHONE: +447024097...
Satılık:Apple iPhone 4S 64GB/Apple iPad 3+4G 64GB WIFI 9 May 2012 | 07:12 pm
COMPANY NAME: APPLE PROMOTION LIMITED E-mail: [email protected] Email US @ : appleresellers(at)hotmail(.)com Y!Messenger : [email protected] Phone: +447024081030 PHONE: +447024097...
Satılık:Apple iPhone 4S 64GB/Apple iPad 3+4G 64GB WIFI 9 May 2012 | 07:09 pm
COMPANY NAME: APPLE PROMOTION LIMITED E-mail: [email protected] Email US @ : appleresellers(at)hotmail(.)com Y!Messenger : [email protected] Phone: +447024081030 PHONE: +447024097...
Vender - Selling: Apple Iphone Apple Iphone 4s 3 64GB And 64GB + Wi-fi + 4G 30 May 2012 | 10:02 pm
Selling Brand New, Original and Unlocked Apple Iphone, Samsung, BlackBerry, Nokia and other Mobile phones ...Email: [email protected]: elect_onlinesalesPROMO PROMO PROMO!!!BUY 3 GET 1...
How to setup Hotmail on our iPad 19 Jan 2012 | 10:18 pm
A useful thing for those who need to read the e-mail even on mobile devices, is to know how to setup Hotmail on iPhone: Microsoft has recently added support for Exchange ActiveSync push email on a reg...