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Growing Thumbnails Portfolio 31 May 2012 | 05:06 am

In this tutorial we will be making a portfolio with HTML5, jQuery and CSS3 that features an interesting growing effect. The HTML As usual, we start off with a blank HTML5 document, and add the neede...

How to use Geolocation and Yahoo’s APIs to build a simple weather webapp 14 May 2012 | 09:13 pm

Today we will be using the HTML5 geolocation API to present the user with a personalized weather forecast. Using jQuery, we will issue AJAX request to two of Yahoo’s popular APIs to obtain additional ...

More jquery data related news:和HTML5之data-属性 16 May 2012 | 09:24 pm

1、jQuery之data()方法 描述:data() 方法向被选元素附加数据,或者从被选元素获取数据。 1.1、使用js原生对象 1.2、使用jQuery对象 示例: 注意:如果发生内存泄露或者DOM被移除,则data将会消失。 2、HTML5之data属性 描述:HTML5给每个元素都添加了data-*属性,这是一个私有的数据存储区域,用户无法看到开发者定义的属性,它不会改变DO...

Using jQuery’s Data APIs 3 Sep 2011 | 04:52 am

In the beginning (well, beginning with jQuery 1.2.3 in early 2008) there was the API. It offers a way to associate JavaScript data — strings, numbers, or any object — with a DOM element....

When to use web storage and when to use (via Abhishek Tyagi) 12 Jan 2011 | 11:49 pm

JavaScript Web Storage (DOM Storage) Web Storage also known as DOM Storage is a mechanism for client-side persistent data storage. There are two types of storage, Session Storage and Local Storage, ex...

When to use web storage and when to use (via Abhishek Tyagi) 13 Jan 2011 | 01:23 am

Nice Article JavaScript Web Storage (DOM Storage) Web Storage also known as DOM Storage is a mechanism for client-side persistent data storage. There are two types of storage, Session Storage and Loc...

CuCamp7 - JQuery 23 Aug 2011 | 09:05 pm

Data spotkania: środa, 28 Wrzesień, 2011 - 17:30 Z jednej strony niestety, z drugiej strony nareszcie. Niestety bo kończą się wakacje, nareszcie bo znowu ruszają spotkania CuCamp! Tym razem na wok....

When to use web storage and when to use (via Abhishek Tyagi) 14 Jan 2011 | 06:58 pm

JavaScript Web Storage (DOM Storage) Web Storage also known as DOM Storage is a mechanism for client-side persistent data storage. There are two types of storage, Session Storage and Local Storage, ex...

Using jQuery’s Data APIs 3 Sep 2011 | 12:52 am

In the beginning (well, beginning with jQuery 1.2.3 in early 2008) there was the API. It offers a way to associate JavaScript data — strings, numbers, or any object — with a DOM element.... – работа с JSON 18 Sep 2012 | 07:33 pm

Довольно часто приходится сталкиваться с ситуацией, когда необходимо передать json данные с сервера в javascript. Можно конечно сделать это через создание javascript объекта, например так: [crayon-505...

Casamento em 11/11/11 é disputado por noivos asiáticos 12 Nov 2011 | 03:36 am

Milhares de casais asiáticos se casaram neste 11 de novembro de 2011 em todo o continente convencidos de que data (11/11/11) trará um futuro feliz e muita sorte, muitos fizeram questão e enfrentaram g...

Calculate Account Level Requirements 5 Jan 2012 | 09:11 am

Data Transfer Calculator and Explanation Of Bandwidth Usage ( live streaming ) Streaming Media Bandwidth Usage Calculator Enter the numbers below to calculate the approximate amount of bandwidth usa...

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