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憂鬱馬戲團九週年補慶與春酒暨無用物交換復古趴 23 Jan 2013 | 12:37 pm
流金無端添歲月 逝水年華催紅顏 總是有情還寄處 把酒回眸笑當年 各位團員、團友: 興許是被甄嬛傳洗腦,不意吟出一句不太通的定場詩。簡而言之,隔了兩年憂鬱馬戲團終於回宮了,我是說,我們又要來辦春酒聚了。(上回春酒好像是明朝的事?) 時間: 2013年3月16日 下午4-9點 地點:台北市中正區羅斯福路四段136巷1弄13號2樓(地圖見之前的活動說明) 理由:慶祝馬戲團臉書頁的死而復生 活動:這是...
憂鬱馬戲團七週年春酒聚暨駝獸DJ二十週年慶 7 Mar 2011 | 05:37 am
各位團員團友: 咱們馬戲團的團慶、團聚與春酒等等活動停辦了整整一年。對!一年,想起來滿恐怖的。 所謂危機就是轉機,這一年來,團員們有人出書、有人換工作、有人開公司、有人升官,但沒聽說誰發財;網路社交圈也變了,有人推、有人噗、有人FB,但老沒機會讓大家實體世界碰一塊。 無論如何,據說景氣回春,而且iPad 2上市,所以今年開春我們肯定要聚一聚。 按照慣例,我們馬戲團聚會一定要什麼「暨」什麼的...
More kasabian related news:
Top Testi della settimana 30 May 2012 | 07:52 pm
1. Goodbye kiss (traduzione italiana) - Kasabian 2. Balada boa - Gusttavo Lima 3. Ai se eu te pego - Michel Teló 4. Amore con riserva - Brunori Sas 5. I've been everywhere - Johnny Cas...
Lady Gaga 19 Mar 2010 | 10:08 pm
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta aka Lady Gaga is among the acts to perform at the 30th BRIT Awards ceremony next month along with Robbie Williams, JLS and Kasabian. This will be the second time the...
The Avengers Assemble Soundtrack 30 Apr 2012 | 03:35 am
Here’s the list of songs included in the recent quoted as “hilarious” movie, the Avengers. Some of the notable artists that has song in this album are Evanescence, Kasabian and Bush. see below for the...
‘Switchblade Smiles’, lo último de Kasabian 10 Jun 2011 | 09:52 am
Os traigo Switchblade Smiles, el adelanto del próximo album de Kasabian y cuyo nombre será Velociraptor! y presumiblemente saldrá a la venta el próximo 19 de Septiembre. Con sólo dos escuchadas me pa...
My index of Kasabian fics 13 Jan 2011 | 08:07 am
It's relatively short for now... Lots of explicit sex AU Grace Improbably. A story written for the Yuletide challenge. Fire (part one) Fire (part 2) Fire (part 3) Tom is the frontman in an Irish ba...
Kasabian vuelven con Velociraptor! 7 Sep 2011 | 11:28 am
Menudo verano hemos tenido en Banda Eliminada, ha sido algo ajetreado y sentimos tener esto algo abandonado. Personalmente entre viajes y festivales he tenido la cabeza en otra parte, pero eh que esto...
Nuevo Single de Kasabian 7 Jun 2011 | 12:00 pm
Sí! por fin! Kasabian ha sacado un nuevo single, y en Octubre van a sacar nuevo CD según me ha comentado su club de fans en Facebook. El “problema” es que el single se presentó en el concierto del dí...
Economic Terminology 22 Oct 2010 | 04:18 am
Kasabian codology Kasabian named their band after a member of a murderous gang of psychopaths. Dead Cat Bounce named their group after an obscure economics term refering to a small increase in the va...
Kasabian - The West Rider Pauper Lunatic Asylum (2009) 19 Sep 2009 | 07:06 am
1. "Underdog" 4:37 2. "Where Did All the Love Go?" 4:17 3. "Swarfiga" 2:18 4. "Fast Fuse" 4:10 5. "Take Aim" 5:23 6. "Thick as Thieves" 3:06 7. "West Ryder Silver Bullet" (feat. Ros...
Liberty Conspiracy podcast covers the dismissal of Julian’s jury tampering case 30 Apr 2012 | 09:53 am Opening with Kasabian’s “Days Are Forgotten”, we delve into the forgotten principle of JURY NULLIFICATION, which stems from the ...