Most leon co. lib related news are at:
All the lonely MOOCers. Where do they all come from? 11 Jul 2013 | 06:14 pm
So about that math MOOC I took earlier this year. It can be easy to focus on the technology aspects of online instruction, since so much hinges on adequate access to and support for hardware, Interne...
ALA Annual 2013: My Schedule Can Beat Up Your Schedule 27 Jun 2013 | 05:10 am
Bolded items are given. The italicized items are maybes. Whew! Hard to refocus on conference administrivia on such a momentous day in history. Print Archive Network (PAN) Friday, 06/28/2013 – 09:00a...
More leon co. lib related news:
Casa de los Botines- czyli o tym co Kasy Oszczednosiowe robią z zabytkami :( 23 Sep 2007 | 01:22 am
A teraz troszkę o jednej z budowli Gaudiego. Co prawda w dzien nie robi dużego wrażenia (przynajmniej w moim przypadku tak bylo). Natomiast być w Leon i nie zobaczyć jej w nocy to grzech. Wygląda jak...
Love Your Lib Directory 23 Apr 2012 | 02:58 am
Love Your Lib Directory – a presentation by Brian Cardarella of Too many Rails developers incorrectly use and abuse the lib/ directory. I will demonstrate the importance of maintaing co...
Día internacional dos Museos 2012 no Museo Quiñones de León e na Pinacoteca Municipal 16 May 2012 | 08:43 pm
O Museo Quiñones de León e a Pinacoteca organizan actividades lúdicas os días 18,19 e 20 de maio co motivo do Día Internacional dos Museos, que este ano se conmemora baixo o lema “Museos nun mundo cam...
Cách tạo và sử dụng LIBERTY RESERVE 2 May 2012 | 09:32 pm
Thời gian gần đây LIBERTY RESERVE có được sự quan tâm rộng rãi trong giới MMO, ngoài tính tiện lợi của nó, một phần đó là do có sự tham gia của Marketing và các trang MMO khác chấp nhận rộng rãi. Lib...
Updated: traqball 2.0 26 Nov 2011 | 01:16 pm
Finally updated traqball.js, my little js lib for gimbal-lock-free 3d rotation to version 2.0. Most important improvements: Now its's possible to have multiple instances of trackball on one page. Co...
Link đam mỹ 24 Feb 2010 | 07:17 pm
Mình đã drop toàn bộ projects, bạn nào thích cứ làm tiếp nhé !!! Link doc tat ca truyen dich trong blog:
Interesting times... 18 Apr 2010 | 04:59 am
Astonishing things going on in the polls at the moment. An ICM poll taken *before* the debate had Lib Dems up 7 and two others polls have Lib Dems overtaking Labour and only a few points behind the Co...
Fucktard of the day : Newcastle Council Leader David Faulkner 8 Oct 2010 | 04:51 am
It’s hard to describe the profound fukwittery that inspired this particular post, so it will mostly be quotes. The first one is from the aforementioned David Faulkner, leader of Newcastle’s LIb Dem co...
Seat Leon Twin Drive Ecomotive 20 May 2009 | 05:05 am
Nie tak dawno Seat zaprezentował swój prototyp samochodu hybrydowego – Seat Leon Twin Drive Ecomotive. Tak naprawdę cała technologia pochodzi od Volkswagena, ale co z tego. Działanie całego układu jes...
Grupo ATU (copia) 22 Apr 2009 | 07:56 am
There are no translations available. [h2]Academia Técnica Universitaria[/h2] [dropcap color=blue cap=C][/dropcap]onsultoría de Formación. Empresa líder en Castilla y León. PÁGINA WEB RELACIONADA CO...