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VPSMate Linux 服务器 WEB 管理面板 10 Feb 2013 | 09:22 am

演示地址: 安装需求 操作系统:CentOS/Redhat 5.4 或 5.4 以上版本,32位或64位均可,推荐使用 CentOS 6.2 64位。 内存大小:运行时占用约 20MB 左右的服务器内存。 请使用现代浏览器访问面板(IE8+、Firefox 14+、Chrome 21+),推荐使用 Chrome。 在线安装步骤 使用 S...

GoDaddy 1.49美元优惠码 23 Jan 2012 | 07:52 pm

优惠码:FREEZE149 优惠内容:只适合新注册.COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET, .ORG, .CA, .CO.UK and .IN域名只要1.49美元,只能用信用卡付款。 有效时间:一万个名额

More linode kloxo related news:

Switched to Linode 9 Mar 2011 | 10:30 am

I just switched over from a shared hosting plan to a VPS through Linode. It costs a little more but I get full control over the server and the uptime should be much better. Unless I don'...

How to install Lighttpd in Kloxo (LXadmin) 10 Feb 2011 | 04:49 am

Kloxo (Lxadmin) is one of the free control panel which I love to use on low end boxes. But it use good amount of ram, however kloxo’s support claims that kloxo use only 33MB of ram, but for me it is a...

Tweaking mysql in Kloxo/LxAdmin 10 Feb 2011 | 04:30 am

Tweaking a web server is very necessary, the less it will consume resource, the more stable it will be and the more website it will be able to handle. Kloxo/lxadmin is a free control panel, and has be...

Kloxo now supports CentOS 5 64-bit (x86_64) 10 Jan 2012 | 01:32 am

As of Kloxo 6.1.7, it now supported on 64-bit CentOS systems ! For all of who wanted Kloxo on CentOS 5 64-bit can now do so. I have installed Kloxo on CentOS 5.7 64-bit and everything appears to worki...

提供Linode VPS代购服务 10 Feb 2012 | 10:03 pm

最近有一些朋友反应自己没有双币的信用卡,所以无法购买Linode VPS。 怎么办呢? 本站长决定给大家提供个方便,代购Linode VPS。 价格为当天的美元汇率兑换成人民币之后,再加10元钱。 因为我是刷信用卡的,最后和银行结账那天的汇率不会是今天买VPS的汇率,而且银行结算汇率要高一点哦,请大家谅解。 有需要的请发邮件到:[email protected]吧 不过要求先款后代购哦,对...

被封空间的 可以使用VPS 也说说搭建VPS的经验 17 Feb 2011 | 05:49 am

采集站 占用资源 所以一些同学存在空间被封的情况 这里我说说搭建VPS的一些经验 VPS自由度高一些 linux 就是搭建环境稍微复杂 但也不是太难的事情 如果购买的VPS内存较大 512以上 就用centos+kloxo WEB服务器是APACHE 这方面很多教程 使用也很简单 我着重说下Debian这个linux系统+lnmp环境搭建配置

Linode VPS上CentOS系统下配置PPTP VPN 7 Jan 2012 | 03:16 am

一、配置PPTP VPN 因为pptp需要MPPE的支持,所以首先检测系统是否符已经编译了MPPE。下面介绍两种检测方法,只要符合其中的一条就可以 zgrep MPPE /proc/config.gz 返回 CONFIG_PPP_MPPE=y 或者 cat /dev/net/tun 返回 cat: /dev/net/tun: File descriptor in bad state 恭喜您,可以安...

KLOXO: Alternativa Open Source ao cPanel 3 Jun 2011 | 06:10 pm

Após alguns meses sem posts venho falar sobre algo diferente, uma alternativa ao cPanel e neste caso open source, ou seja, grátis e com código aberto. Embora o cPanel seja isoladamente o mais completo...

Come mettere in sicurezza Kloxo con IPTABLES 29 Mar 2012 | 05:56 pm

- /etc/init.d/firewall start + /etc/init.d/firewall start Nota: E' possibile effettuare in qualsiasi momento l'arresto, avvio o riavvio del servizio firewall con i seguenti comandi Per l'arresto: /...

How to secure your Kloxo with IPTABLES 29 Mar 2012 | 05:46 pm

+ + # WHOIS Out+ iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 43 -j ACCEPT+ echo - WHOIS : [OK]

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