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Il concerto dei Muse al Reading Festival - Agosto 2011 - BBC Concerts 30 Dec 2011 | 08:24 am

In streaming il concerto dei Muse tenutosi nell'agosto 2011 al reading festival

Twitter hackad av iranier 19 Dec 2009 | 02:52 am

Twitters hemsida hackades på fredagsmorgonen av en grupp som kallar sig Iranska cyberarmén. Enligt BBC utsattes även en oppositionell sajt för störningar.

Madagascar : la SADC accentue la pression pour finaliser l’amnistie permettant le retour de Ravalomanana 13 Feb 2012 | 10:01 am

Madagascar doit respecter le délai fixé pour finaliser les lois d’amnistie à la fin du mois, permettant le retour de l’ancien président Marc Ravalomanana, a déclaré dimanche Marius Fransman après une ...

Les Pays-Bas inscrivent la neutralité du net dans la loi 11 May 2012 | 01:26 am

Premier pays européen à adopter une telle loi, les néerlandais démarquent de plus en plus leur politique numérique de celle de leurs voisins. Posté dans Multimédia / High - Tech

Authentic Stormtrooper Costume 28 Jul 2011 | 06:51 pm

I was reading the story over at the BBC News website about the prop maker and designer who fought against the might of the George Lucas empire - and won! A dispute over the ability to make and sell q...

Em Phải Đến Harvard Học Kinh Tế 19 May 2011 | 11:44 am

Ngày 12 tháng năm 1999, tờ "Thương báo Thành Đô" đã gây xôn xao dư luận toàn Trung Quốc với bài viết "Em Phải Đến Harvard Học Kinh Tế". Lôi Bình, tác giả bài viết cho biết: Cô bé Thành Đô, Lưu Diệc Đì...

How to remove DRM from Downloaded BBC iPlayer Programmes 14 Jul 2011 | 03:26 am

How to remove DRM from Downloaded BBC iPlayer Programmes BBC iPlayer - A service that lets you catch up with radio and television Programmes from the past week of BBC. BBC iPlayer use Microsoft's ...

Nude Lois Griffin is going to play with her girl’s tight pussy… 22 Oct 2011 | 05:57 am

Family Guy characters do it again with new series of dirty porn cartoon that cannot get enough of each other and for their sexual desires… Is it possible to be fed up with Lois Griffin top-notch and n...

The Joy Of Stats With Hans Rosling 1 Dec 2010 | 01:10 am

This is by far the most engaging Hans Rosling presentation I’ve seen so far. Created with the help of the BBC, he analysis 200 years of data in 4 minutes using the Gapminder statistical tool on steroi...

LOI SUR LES FORUMS 14 Nov 2008 | 04:26 am

Merci de vous souvenir que nous ne sommes pas responsables des messages écrits. Nous ne nous portons pas garant ni ne certifions l'exactitude, l'utilité ou l'état complet d'aucun message, et que nous ...

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