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More lowongan 3d blender related news:

Film Project London mit Unterstützung von Blender bald fertig 13 Oct 2010 | 06:14 pm

Der No-Budget Film “Project London” ist mittels Unterstützung der Open-Source-Software für 3D Blender bald fertig und startklar für die Kinos. “Project Londen” ist ein Science-Fiction-Film der Dank vi...

การทำบ่อน้ำใน Blender 3D 31 Oct 2009 | 05:45 pm

นี่เป็นตัวอย่างของการทำบ่อน้ำด้ายโปรแกรม Blender 3D ตอนนี้ผมกำลังเตรียมข้อมูลอยู่หัวข้อมีดังนี้ การทำ Models สำหรับบ่อน้ำ (Pound Modeling) การปรับแต่วัสดุ (Material) ทำหญ้าด้วยโปรแกรม Blender3D อย...

An Insider's View of the Supplement Manufacturing Process Part 4. 23 May 2012 | 04:54 pm

Last week I took you through the process of how we prepare the powdered blends of our formulas in preparation for tableting using the 3D blender.  You may recollect that the last process discussed was...

Vídeos interactivos y el futuro de la interactividad 29 Jan 2013 | 10:32 pm

    Autor:  Abraham Castilla, [email protected],, artista digital y generalista 3D Freelance. Formador y asesor de software y aplicaciones libres 3D Blender f...

Stampa 3d & Blender ITALIA 7 Mar 2013 | 02:20 pm

Si è definita in questi ultimi giorni una bellissima collaborazione tra l’azienda Kentstrapper (che realizzano stampanti 3d) e BlenderITALIA. Vi allego alcune righe sulla Kentstrapper “rubandole” prop...

Stampa 3d & Blender ITALIA 7 Mar 2013 | 02:20 pm

Si è definita in questi ultimi giorni una bellissima collaborazione tra l’azienda Kentstrapper (che realizzano stampanti 3d) e BlenderITALIA. Vi allego alcune righe sulla Kentstrapper “rubandole” prop...

télécharger blender 3D 4 Jun 2013 | 03:24 pm

Blender est un logiciel libre de modélisation, d’animation et de rendu 3D. Il dispose de fonctions avancées de modélisation, de sculpture 3D, de dépliage UV, de texturage, de rigging, d’armatura...

télécharger blender 3D 4 Jun 2013 | 03:24 pm

Blender est un logiciel libre de modélisation, d’animation et de rendu 3D. Il dispose de fonctions avancées de modélisation, de sculpture 3D, de dépliage UV, de texturage, de rigging, d’armaturage, d’...

Free Download Blender 3D + XSS Vulnerability on 23 Feb 2012 | 05:06 am

Blender 3D Screenshot | Blender 3D adalah sebuah software editing 3 Dimensi berlisensi GNU ( gratis atau free ) . Software ini dapat digunakan untuk  untuk editing obyek 3 Dim...

Download Blender 2.63 29 Apr 2012 | 07:14 pm

Blender 2.63 is software to make animations 2D and 3D many features that you can use, and very easy to use, to facilitate its users, then the Blender 2.63 served with a variety of suport as : Windows ...

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