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More make it happen monday related news:
Making it Happen Monday: Knowing when to cry uncle 13 Aug 2013 | 09:50 am
I have a lot on my plate in this moment. Half of these things will be over by the end of this week. (Thank heavens!) The many projects are a labor of love for me — benefits for wonderful causes — but ...
The Sun: "we need more cycle lanes". Completely right. But this is only going to happen if you play your part in making it happen. Monday 2 September;... 27 Aug 2013 | 02:44 am
This is the sort of image we are used to seeing on cycling blogs. But this image was taken from an article by the BBC asking "Can Reading ever 'go Dutch' and become a cycling town?" Something is chan...
BearCity 2 Needs Your Help To Cross Finish Line 21 May 2012 | 01:00 pm
BearCity 2 has almost crossed over the finish line. They are so close that they can feel the fur-ocity of this indie film sequel. But they need your help to make it happen. Get your name and photo in ...
How To Find What Blocks You And What Completes You 19 Oct 2011 | 06:15 am
What makes your heart sing? What makes the deepest part of you the innermost part of your being, just absolutely soar. What is that? What are those things that make that happen? I think you really kn...
AnyDo: Make Things Happen with Friends 14 Nov 2011 | 02:00 pm
Any.DO helps you get things done with your friends in a simple & elegant way. It's free, simple & fun. Learn more Brought to you by - The web applications index
How to Kick Start a Home DIY Project 31 Mar 2012 | 09:52 pm
When refurbishing your space, kick starting a diy project can be a great solution to consider. All you require is a supply of new ideas to make magic happen. To start your own DIY project should consi...
Be Passionate About Life and Business 16 Nov 2011 | 06:06 pm
First, thanks for taking the time to read this. Over the next few days you will find some solid and grounded strategies for making things happen when it comes to talking with new prospects. To accompl...
Get real. Follow your dream. 15 May 2012 | 09:35 pm
“The sad face of dreamers, waking to the life that passed them by. They follow forever the flame that holds their eyes.” Keep up with the flame. Make things happen. In 2006, Chicago-based band Wax ...
Let Your Next Big Idea Take Flight in Red Bull’s New Launchpad Contest 9 May 2012 | 04:14 pm
Ever dream about doing something so wild & adrenaline filled, but there is no chance in reality it could ever happen? Well Red Bull wants to make that happen for you. Red Bull has always bee...
Not been able to post? 11 Jan 2009 | 08:25 pm
About a day ago, in the moderators forum, Reyvan suggested a sort of punishment group called the "Confined" where the user cannot post anymore. So i tried to make it happen. Instead i disabled the Co...