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Apr 24, Australia - Christian's soccer acl recovery age 13 24 Apr 2012 | 04:47 pm

Hi guys, I'm now nearly 6 months into my recovery. I had a FFA soccer scholarship and things were looking good until I injured myself on the 2nd day of

Feb 1, Paul's ACL Expericence 2 Feb 2012 | 12:00 pm

I am a Forty year old middle school teacher. Two years ago, (December of 2009) I completely tore my right ACL while coaching my basketball team. I was

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Feb 1, Ian's ACL surgery 2 Feb 2012 | 11:57 am

I was a pretty good soccer player and was going to be a freshman in high school. My brother played football so I decided to see if I could kick a field

ACL Surgery: Symptoms of a Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament 2 Jul 2011 | 04:09 am

When it comes to knees, things are more complicated on the inside than they look on the outside. There are a lot of parts that connect and move it different ways in order for the knee joint as a whole...

Seriously? 30 Jan 2012 | 09:04 am

It’s January 30, 2012. I had ACL surgery last May 2, 2011. I’m almost 9 months post op and I’ve actually taken a break off working to just focus on getting better.  I’ve found it difficult to focus on...

Physiotherapy, Not A Knee Brace, Aids In ACL Recovery 29 Dec 2012 | 02:21 am

Wearing a knee brace following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery has no effect on a person's recovery. However, strength, range-of-motion, and functionality exercises provide significant benefi...

ACL Surgery 11 Nov 2012 | 02:47 pm

First came this… Then came this… Now we’re waiting for surgery scheduling. ACL Surgery

ACL Surgery Rehab: Does Aggressive PT Make a Difference after ACL Surgery? 20 Aug 2013 | 06:18 pm

Does really aggressive ACL surgery rehab make a difference? As you may know, we’re not big fans of surgery to replace torn knee ACL ligaments. This is because the ligament repair bears no resemblance ...

Recovering from ACL Surgery – The Week After… 13 Aug 2013 | 10:58 pm

If you’re just joining, go ahead and catch up on our pediatric ACL saga tear with the first 4 posts about my daughter’s ACL injury here, here, here and here. We are one week post modified adult ACL su...

ACL Surgery Update 6 Aug 2013 | 05:32 am

Jaeda had ACL repair surgery last Monday.  All those decisions, all that worry and research  culminated in a 2 hour surgery Monday morning at Centennial day surgery center. I ended up choosing to have...

Update on Daughter’s ACL Surgery 25 Jul 2013 | 05:41 pm

My 11 year old daughter tore her ACL in a soccer tournament on Memorial Day.  I’ve been researching pediatric sports medicine doctors and ACL repair techniques like crazy.  As any parent does these da...

Dec 21, Need help/advice 21 Dec 2011 | 06:43 pm

I need some help or advice. But I guess I should start by explaining my story. I tore my ACl, LCL and meniscus, so I had surgery to repair and fix them

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