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御殿場、お台場。 25 Aug 2013 | 07:59 pm

毎年恒例、お盆ウィークが明けた土日に御殿場へ。 例年、高速はがらがらですが、事故渋滞・・・。ゆっくり行こう。 天気は曇り、少し肌寒い。今日も富士山山頂を目指して登っている人がわんさか居るんだろう。 いろいろ魅力的なものもありましたが、結局ベルトのみ80%オフ購入。 よほど、売れてなかった1品なのかな?自分が納得するものが一番良い。 御殿場には、MCFIVA社のメンバーも帰国前に遊びに来てる...

イチローは、本当に凄いな〜 22 Aug 2013 | 10:45 am

イチロー選手が日米通算4000本安打達成。 一流になる事は可能です。 が、「一流であり続ける事」は相当難しい。 気張りすぎてもダメだし、気張らなさすぎてもダメ。 自分をコントロールできている事の証。 本当に凄い。 彼にとっては通過点だと思いますが、 とりあへず「おめでとうございます!」 PS:引退された後で良いので、一度お会いしてみたいな〜。

More media palette taiwan related news:

Hindari Hadangan Apple, HTC Uji Ponsel Baru 22 Dec 2011 | 02:54 pm

Taiwan – Belajar dari sengketa hak patennya dengan Apple, HTC kini melakukan pengujian lebih ketat terhadap smartphone baru yang akan dirilisnya. CEO HTC Peter Chou mengemukakan hal ini kepada media ...

Exclusive: Video from the Eee PC Sirocco launch event 20 Jan 2011 | 03:20 am

Although Asus’ new Eee PC Sirocco didn’t blow us away, we have an exclusive video from the launch event in Taipei, Taiwan as the only English media attending the event. It doesn’t show off the new net...

Produsen Indomie: Imbas Serius Bagi Indonesia 14 Oct 2010 | 01:10 pm

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk mengungkapkan pemberitaan media massa yang luas terkait pelarangan Indomie di Taiwan justru berdampak serius bagi Indonesia. "Dampaknya jauh lebih serius untuk Indonesia....

Odyssey 23 Feb 2011 | 12:32 pm

I took delivery of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West this afternoon, one of the great advantages of a game/film rental service being that it serves to help widen the palette of media. Enslaved isn’t a tit...

Mayjen Lo Hsien Che 12 Feb 2011 | 08:29 am

Mayjen Lo Hsien Che (51) ditangkap karena terkait skandal spionase terburuk di Taiwan dalam 50 tahun terakhir. Media massa di Taiwan, Kamis (10/2/2011), memberitakan Mayjen Lo terjerat sebagai mata-ma...

Google Android phone will vend at $199 (USA) 21 Sep 2008 | 08:39 pm

According to a media report, the first mobile phone to use Google Inc’s Android mobile operating software will cost $199. The phone is being manufactured by Taiwan’s HTC Corp and will be sold by Deuts...

ViVi Wang – Black Forest Upskirt Incident 2 Jan 2010 | 12:33 am

Wang Wan Fei, also known as Vivi Wang (born May 31, 1978 in Teipai, Taiwan) is a Taiwanese model and beauty queen. Vivi Wang’s bush was a hit thanks to the local media which called it a “wardrobe malf...

MSI X79 series mainboards reaches 5GHz under air cooling with Core i7-3960X Extreme Edition 4 Jan 2012 | 06:23 am

(Taipei, Taiwan) – After world-leading mainboard manufacturer MSI released its X79 series motherboards, professional media and overclockers have recommended them for their amazing feats of overclockin...

Improve Ability Taiwan Cyber war 10 Sep 2012 | 09:57 am

Taipei – Taiwan plans to boost its cyber war capabilities to counter the perceived threat from Chinese hackers targeting government websites and security, local media reported on Sunday. Taiwan will e...

Taiwan Lantern Festival 8 Jan 2013 | 03:40 pm

Pics & videos can be viewed through streaming multi-media on net site basically. In addition, Hsinchu County Government will broadcast 2013 Lantern Festival’s opening &...

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