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– Honors Zombie
We're Gonna Need a Fourth Wall: My Favourite Films Volume 20 7 Oct 2012 | 10:38 am
Ok, we're going to take a diversion in the present so that we can find some truth buried in the past. Post-modernism and all its bastards (Irony, metatext, pastiche, etc.) have taken over. It's imposs...
The Meaning of Life 8 Jun 2012 | 05:42 pm
I'm at a crossroads. I watch film after film and want to share my thoughts about them, but a few things stop me. First of all, who has the time? I gobble the damn things up like a hungry, hungry hippo...
More men behind the sun screenshot related news:
Le saviez vous ? 25 Oct 2012 | 11:41 am
Le saviez vous ? Le film unrest (un navet du genre) a été tourné dans une vraie morgue et de vrais cadavres ont été utilisés pour les autopsies. L’autopsie du film Men behind the sun a été réalisée su...