Most montreal academic researcher related news are at:
Au tableau d’honneur de la M. Sc. – hiver 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
Chaque trimestre, la Direction de la maîtrise ès sciences en gestion (M. Sc.) reconnaît l'excellence des résultats scolaires des étudiants de ce programme. Ceux qui obtiennent la meilleure moyenne cum...
Danielle Morin et Sarah Megas remportent le prix Roland-Parenteau 22 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
Lors du 65e congrès de l’Institut d’administration publique du Canada qui a eu lieu du 18 au 21 août 2013, à Montréal, la professeure titulaire Danielle Morin (sciences comptables) et la diplômée Sara...
More montreal academic researcher related news:
1st Moodle Research Conference 2012 24 Mar 2012 | 11:24 am
The 1st Moodle Research Conference is billed to become a major event for academics, researchers, experts and practitioners wishing to share experiences, research achievements and innovative developmen...
Building a Virtual Library 5 Oct 2011 | 01:50 pm
The organization, functioning, and the role of libraries in university communities continue to change dramatically. While academic research libraries continue to acquire information, organize it, make...
Research on Novel Theoretical Models in Information Systems 5 Oct 2011 | 01:50 pm
Theory is considered to be the bedrock of academic research, often being viewed as the foundation upon which scientific enquiry is organized and built. Despite its ubiquity throughout information sy...
Modelos de edición científica 28 Oct 2009 | 10:41 am
A través de Research Information me entero de que SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Research Coalition) ha publicado una guía sobre modelos de negocio para sostener publicaciones científicas en...
80% of companies believe permitting online gaming during work would cost them money. 14 Dec 2011 | 08:00 pm
A recent SpamTitan Technologies poll has found that 80% of businesses surveyed (global sample) believe allowing workplace gaming costs money, this is opposed to recent academic research that showed al...
According to the ratings of Ministry of Education, IUC is in the 3rd place for tourism in the country and 2nd place for academic research development 4 Apr 2012 | 11:44 pm
After the Ministry of Education and Science announced the ratings for 2012 of the Bulgarian universities, it made it clear that International University College (IUC) is among the top 10 universities ...
How to Avoid M&A Creating Bad Complexity 30 Mar 2012 | 08:01 am
M&A activity is a major driver of business complexity: Our academic research has proven this beyond all doubt. But equally M&A activity is a potential driver of shareholder value: So we are not going ...
Open Access to Academic Research 11 May 2012 | 05:23 am
David Willetts, Minister for Universities and Science, announced a few days ago that free access would be given to publicly funded research with the intention that it would ‘usher in a new era of acad...
Welcome to EssaysWritingService 20 May 2009 | 09:33 pm
Student's home of best custom written essays, term papers, and research papers. 100% original essay writing services. Who we are: was founded in 2008 as an academic research ...
History of the Medieval Atouts 18 Dec 2006 | 06:22 pm
Contact: Diane O'Donovan ....... [email protected] This site contained a series of essays extracted from original academic research by the author. The subject of that research was the reason for ...