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CfP ZDG (2014) 2: "Bildung" / Call for Papers: "Education" 2 Aug 2013 | 05:20 pm
Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in / Job Posting: Research Associate 22 Jul 2013 | 02:47 pm
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The Descent Of Power: An Interpretation of the Global Economic Crisis Pt VII 25 May 2010 | 11:26 pm
Now, as I was writing about Napoleon Bonaparte for my book The 33 Strategies of War, in 2003 and 2004, I became intrigued by a company that seemed to exemplify–in an almost uncanny way–the Napoleonic ...
Aste: ciocca di Napoleone Bonaparte 3 Jul 2010 | 11:35 pm
Fu tagliata la mattina della sua morte, avvenuta nel 1821 sull’Isola di Sant’Elena: pochi giorni fa la ciocca di Napoleone Bonaparte è stata venduta per 13.000 dollari da una casa d’aste della Nuova Z...
Émulos de Bonaparte 3 May 2012 | 03:39 am
Napoleón Bonaparte a los políticos: "Sobre todo, no tengáis miedo del pueblo. ¡Es más conservador que vosotros!" ¡Qué bien se han aprendido la lección!
Napoleon Bonaparte 30 Apr 2009 | 06:02 pm
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821) was a military and political leader of France whose actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century.
Napoleon Bonaparte 20 Dec 2011 | 06:26 am
Religia este cea care îi împiedică pe sărăci să-i omoare pe bogătaşi. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) - împărat - dictator
Daily Question #144 5 Aug 2009 | 03:25 am
A was a British land agent. B was an Anglo-Saxon saint. C was a British Army officer. D was supposedly a soldier who served under Napoleon Bonaparte. E was a famous Oxford lecturer. What connects? C...
Oleh: Ibnu Adam Aviciena Napoleone di Buonaparte atau yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Napoléon Bonaparte atau Napoleon I, sebagaimana dicatat oleh Karen Armstrong di Muhammad A Biography of the Prophet,...
A via FacebookA 27 May 2012 | 06:34 pm
A via FacebookA "The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people. But by the silence of the good people." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte But AYNLA nurses do not settle for silence. We are t...
Way of Success In Business Competition 8 Apr 2011 | 02:32 am
Hot Business News and Surveys – What needs to be understood is to start a business, you must have the courage to fail and stay strong to survive in it. As expressions of Napoleon Bonaparte, “I never ...