Most nautical compass sailor jerry related news are at: – Tattoo, tattoo gallery, horoscope designs, body art

More nautical compass sailor jerry related news:

Turning port with the Steampunk Shipyard.... 18 Feb 2013 | 07:20 pm

The Sailor Jerry "Rise & Shine" tattoo As part of my re-focusing of the plethora of blogs I currently pen, I'm taking more nautical bent on the blog... not abandoning Steampunk, mind you, but just a ...

Sailor Jerry biography, (Hori Smoku), Part I 20 Feb 2013 | 07:23 am

Figured I'd start the "reboot" with a small series/documentary about the real Sailor Jerry - a very "old-school" kind of guy, and the impact he had on inking... and its nautical ties.  Do beware - the...

Sailor Jerry biography, (Horu Smoku), Part 2 22 Feb 2013 | 03:55 pm

Continuing on with the Sailor Jerry series, I did wish to respond to a few requests to outline Nautical / Steampunk uniforms - from the classic era digs, to current cosplay works (and I suppose I shou...

Sailor Jerry biography, (Horu Smoku), Part 3 4 Mar 2013 | 05:22 am

Part three of the series of old salts, tatoos, and the nautical life - do enjoy!  (oh, and keep it in mind when you get your own tatoo...)

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