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Installing Nginx with PHP on Windows 7 Apr 2011 | 07:27 pm

Well as we all know, Nginx (Pronounced as Engine X) is one of the popular web servers (like Apache or IIS) available in the market today according to Netcraft. It was designed to work with Unix and Li...

Welcome to The Techie World of Edison 6 Apr 2011 | 05:39 am

Hello guys! I’m Edison and this is my new technology blog. I’ve created this to share my personal experiences in my daily life as an IT Professional. I hope that my blog would inspire more people to e...

More nginx windows cgi related news:

CakePHP 2.0 + Nginx + PHP-CGI + phpMyAdmin on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion 8 Nov 2011 | 12:34 pm

Setup CakePHP 2.0 nginx + php-cgi + mysql + phpmyadmin on OS X Lion My company just bought me a new macbook and while it shouldn't have taken me as long as it did to setup my development environment ...

PHP-CGI 进程 CPU 100% 与 file_get_contents 函数的关系 3 Nov 2011 | 02:46 am

有时候,运行 Nginx、PHP-CGI(php-fpm) Web服务的 Linux 服务器,突然系统负载上升,使用 top 命令查看,很多 php-cgi 进程 CPU 使用率接近100%。后来,我通过跟踪发现,这类情况的出现,跟 PHP 的 file_get_contents() 函数有着密切的关系。 大、中型网站中,基于 HTTP 协议的 API 接口调用,是家常便饭。PHP 程序员们喜欢...

配置 Nginx 支持 CGI 21 Aug 2009 | 10:19 pm

Hello, world.

nginx windows ucenter通信失败的解决办法 28 Dec 2012 | 04:46 pm

经过多方研究,发现通信失败的原因是socket请求超时,最终发现是在windows下,nginx的socket [...]

Работа MaxSite CMS на связке nginx+php-fpm 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am

mbg (Добавлено Сегодня, 11:36) Подниму тему. При попытке настроить maxsite под nginx+php-cgi работает только главная страница. При попытке перехода по ссылкам получаю No input file specified. В логах ...

fsockopen 异步处理 17 May 2012 | 06:44 pm

前面参与一项目,逻辑处理比较多,所以采用异步处理。 因为之前采用异步处理时 Web 服务器是 Apache,而这次测试时也是,到把代码更新到服务器上时,执行死活不成功。折腾一番之后,才记起服务器上的 Web 服务器是 Nginx。试着从这个角度查找原因,找到如下这篇文章: FROM: 有关fsockopen相关随笔 测试环境,从本机(Windows)访问内外一台 Linux 服务器(此服务器...

Manual Instalasi Nginx, MySQL, dan PHP di Windows 31 Jan 2012 | 05:24 pm

Sekarang kita coba buat install nginx,MySQL, dan PHP di Windows, kalau ada yang ga tau nginx bisa baca disini langsung aja instalasinya : 1. download dan install nginx Do...

Web-Server 中 PHP 的两种工作方式 7 Jul 2011 | 06:08 pm

部分内容参考自这里, 这里 在项目生产环境的 Web-Server 中 PHP.exe 通常以两种工作方式工作, 一种是 Apache 中的模块化方式, 另一种是在 Nginx 中的 FastCGI 方式. 除此之外, PHP.exe 还有一种古老的运行方式: CGI 方式, 这种方式基本上已经被淘汰, 我们可以通过 CGI 方式来很好的理解前两种方式. CGI 方式是: 总的来说, cgi...

What if ______ was CGI instead? 9 Aug 2011 | 04:07 am

Cinema is the most important window in which to view our culture. Film preservation is essential. To alter what has already been done is not only a poor artistic decision; it is also a defacing and el...

Web Hosting 19 Nov 2009 | 08:29 am offers an array of hosting services.  From e-commerce to personal, on Windows or Linux. Secure Shell, SSL, FTP, Stats CGI, Perl, PHP, MySQL Linux cPanel Account Control Panel Ema...

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