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RedMR紅人派對贊助香港甲組足球聯賽 27 Aug 2013 | 02:49 pm
From RedMr 紅人派對 Facebook RedMR紅人派對將會於2013-14年度冠名贊助香港甲組足球聯賽,聯賽亦會正式官方命名為「2013-14香港足球總會Red MR紅人派對香港甲組足球聯賽」! 小記直擊記者會,RedMR紅人派對執行董事羅雪儀小姐表示:「RedMR紅人派對在過去幾年一直致力 ...
5大血型星座男婚后偷情率最高 27 Aug 2013 | 02:17 pm
花心是男人的本性,婚前沾花惹草就算了,婚后有些男人知道要學會收斂了, 但是還是有許多男人婚后背著老婆偷情。下面一起來看看婚后偷情率最高的五大血 型星座男,看看你的另一半在不在其中。 第一名:B血型射手座 射手座是人們心中當之無愧的花心大蘿卜。 ...
More nike football related news:
Nike Football: Mercurial Vapor VIII: Cristiano Ron 2 Apr 2012 | 10:34 am
Nike Football: Mercurial Vapor VIII: Cristiano Ronaldo vs Rafa Nadal (subtitles available) Two of the world’s biggest athletes go head-to-head in a battle of explosive speed. On-court, Rafael Nadal’...
香港足球代表隊响香港最有代表性嘅維港前影大合照! 30 May 2012 | 08:49 am
喺維港影大合照可能冇咩球隊試過,今次我哋特別排香港足球代表隊喺香港最有代表性嘅維港前影大合照,大家點睇?希望喺6月1日及6月10日兩場國際足球友誼賽,港隊著起新戰衣上陣勁揪!喺呢張 Nike Football Hong Kong Facebook 嘅相片度講句打氣說話,支…
Nike Football Cleats Brand new phrase related to Earth Container 30 May 2012 | 07:56 pm
Nike Baseball Cleats Fresh appearance connected with World Weed quailifiers will be commencing, with all the current accentuate connected with Frence, men and women foresee a fantastic activity inv...
France Air Max 90 on "lightened and rewarded Wholesale Burberry Sunglasses more richly than any promis" 30 May 2012 | 10:11 pm
es sighificant Air Max Factory get on persona, considering which will throughout bisected online players scratching Nike Football air max 90 air max 90 Boots on previous suit. Similarly Iphone Contain...
Nike Football Write the Future 13 Oct 2010 | 11:26 pm
Nike Football: My Time is Now 19 May 2012 | 05:32 am
A brand new ad from Nike – perhaps the best one they’ve ever done.
NIKE FOOTBALL: MY TIME IS NOW 21 May 2012 | 09:14 am
O novo comercial da Nike que saiu ontem tem ao objetivo de apresentar a nova geração do futebol internacional: Neymar, M’Vila e Götze em campo prontos para mostrar serviço. Claro que os astros de sem...
Tim joined the group Nike football 6 Jul 2012 | 12:10 am
Tim joined the group Nike football
Nike Football: Mercurial Vapor VIII: Cristiano Ronaldo vs Rafa Nadal (subtitles available) 24 Jul 2012 | 06:24 pm
Two of the world's biggest athletes go head-to-hea...
Nike Free Run is also its choice now 2 Jun 2012 | 04:06 pm
For the University of UCF, Nike Free Run is also its choice now. and this is great news, especially for Nike football shoes fans. Also this confirms Nike’s status being a well-known brand. Nike ever c...