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Newer Node.js + NPM installed separately, execvp() error 30 Jun 2012 | 12:30 pm

I got an awfull bug with npm after installing Node.js 0.8.0 and trying to do an npm -g update. The solution was deleting npm from /usr/local and with nave reinstall 0.8.0. After this my npm was workin...

volo 0.2.2 released 7 Jul 2012 | 03:13 pm

volo 0.2.2, a JS package manager and project automator, has been released. To install/update: npm install -g volo Here is a list of changes. Probably the most notable one: volo create will run npm ...

volo 0.2.3: semver and a web site 30 Aug 2012 | 08:15 am

volo, a command line tool to create web projects, add front end dependencies and automate tasks, is now at 0.2.3. Get it via npm: npm install -g volo The complete set of changes are here. The notabl...

TinyColor On npm 12 Sep 2012 | 11:54 pm

I have published my TinyColor package to the npm repository – Unfortunately it is called tinycolor2 since tinycolor was already taken. After running npm install t...

15分钟快速开发一个kissy组件(流程篇) 10 May 2013 | 07:51 am

Step1: 安装kissy gallery组件工具 npm install yo grunt-cli -g npm install generator-kissy-gallery -g 请确保本地带有NodeJs和Npm环境。 Step2:创建组件目录 手动创建一个组件目录,比如offline。 进入该目录,打开命令行工具,执行如下命令: yo kissy-gallery 1.0 1.0为组件起...

A lightweight XML parser for NodeJS/JavaScript 25 Oct 2012 | 10:11 pm

Check out xmldoc on Github or just npm install xmldoc. Ever need to parse a bit of XML in NodeJS? If so, you may be quite confused by your options. You might initially find an (excellent) callback-ba...

Installing on windows 7 Feb 2013 | 12:41 am

1. Install nodejs (i’m using 0.8.14) 2. open cmd 3. reference( execute “npm install -g [email protected]” 4...

npm常用命令(nodejs) 12 Mar 2013 | 11:24 am

npm install <name>安装nodejs的依赖包 例如npm install express 就会默认安装express的最新版本,也可以通过在后面加版本号的方式安装指定版本,如npm install [email protected] npm install <name> -g 将包安装到全局环境中 但是代码中,直接通过require()的方式是没有办法调用全局安装的包的。全局的安装是...

CoffeeScript のインストール方法 6 Aug 2013 | 08:29 am

CoffeeScript をインストールする方法をメモ。 事前準備 npm からインストールするのが定番みたいなので、nvm と Node.js をインストールしておく。 ・[Node.js] バージョン管理ツール「nvm」を Mac にインストールする方法 CoffeeScript のインストール npm install -g coffee-script コマンドでサクッとインストール...

Livereload, 保存文件,浏览器自动刷新 17 Aug 2013 | 11:08 am

Installing livereload Please confirm you have installed node 0.6+, you have “npm”. Installing livereload extensions Download and open to install: Safari extension 2.0.9 — note: due to Safari API l...

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