Most Nutella related news are at: – Ms. Adventures in Italy – My Stomach and the World. Food, Recipes, Travel and Photography by Sara Rosso.

Ask Me Anything: Italy Edition 10 Jul 2013 | 02:19 pm

Today marks the day I left California 10 years ago, to make a new life in Italy. I thought it might be a good chance for you to ask those burning questions you have all about Italy, so I’m doing an “...

My Dream Car, the Fiat 500 8 Jul 2013 | 08:05 pm

I seriously have loved this car since my first trip to Italy, almost 20 years ago. The Fiat 500, said cinquecento (CHEEN-kway-CHEN-toh). Isn’t it beautiful? I even had this photo of one on the home....

More Nutella related news:

Chillax. 13 Apr 2010 | 02:00 am

Home sweet home. Now to catch up on the back stack of magazines and the tons of Uni work I neglected while away. I think I have overdosed on Nutella. Gag.

Bownies au Nutella ^^ 14 Aug 2010 | 09:24 pm

Une recette que je n’ai pas encore essayé mais il me hate de la faire j’ai deja ’eau a la bouche Pour 6 personnes Temps de préparation : 10 mn Temps de cuisson : 20 mn Ingredients : 200 g de nute...

Nutella Sponge Cake 20 May 2012 | 11:48 pm

For pretentious kids, diversity is the key to fool your little baby if he is cranky. Give him a wide range of dishes and you will manage to slip unnoticed healthy foods that usually he would not eat, ...

Festa della Nutella a Bogliasco 16 May 2012 | 05:11 am

Bogliasco è pronta per rivivere l'ennesima estate all'insegna delle sagre di paese. Questa volta, a far capolino nell'area in località Poggio, a quattro passi dal campo di calcio che ospita la Sampdor...

nutella-swagg: okay so this is ME and i would ~LOVE~ for it to... 30 May 2012 | 05:47 pm

nutella-swagg: okay so this is ME and i would ~LOVE~ for it to get to 100 notes

Peanut Butter-Nutella Brownies 2 Feb 2012 | 09:13 pm

As long as you’re putting your diet on hold for the holiday season, try these indulgent gems. This recipe makes a brownie so rich that for once, it won’t be difficult restraining yourself to only one!...

Thomas die Lokomotive im Wunderland 9 Feb 2012 | 01:23 am

Ein Zug voller Thomas Lokomotiven schlängelt sich zwischen Marmelade, Frühstückstellern, weich gekochten Eiern, Brötchen mit Leberwurst, Nutella und vielerlei anderer Frühstücksutensilien. Gorden, Hen...

Homemade Nutella 30 Mar 2012 | 04:59 pm

If you’re an avid recipe surfer on Pinterest, then you’ve probably encountered the recent DIY Nutella craze. Come on, homemade nut butters are all the rage!  After my almond butter turned out a little...

Quick Nutella recipe 9 May 2012 | 09:52 pm

Nutella is really a thick chocolate-hazelnut distributed having a regularity much like that of rich and creamy peanut butter. It’s tasty simply spooned from the jar, utilized in a number of sweets as ...

Crêpe au Nutella 1 Jan 1970 | 01:33 pm

Crêpe au Nutella: Ingrédients 1 tasse (250 ml) farine 1 pincée sel 1 oeuf 1 1/4 tasse (315 ml) lait Huile Jus de citron, pour la garniture (facultatif) Nutella pour la garniture et la décoration Pré...

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