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Nokia Lumia 800 – Primeira impressão 25 Mar 2012 | 02:17 am
Admito! Eu andei afastado no mundo Nokia. Talvez pela pouca inovação nos aparelhos lançados pela empresa finlandesa. Entretanto, ontem, tive o meu primeiro contato com o Windows Phone. Um sistema ope...
Jx Latest Commented v2.0 25 Oct 2010 | 05:34 am
{quickdown:116} Show latest commented on items from Joomla content, Jx Directory, Jambook, Mamblog or Weblinks. Supports Jambook, !JoomlaComment v2.40, Gabrovo 1.0, Combo MAX v3.4.0, MosCom 0.8n, Ope...
Wanna get new experience with shadows ?? :) 27 Oct 2010 | 07:20 pm
Hi everyone….i would like to deliver a tutorial in which you’ll learn to add depth to a two dimensional layout using simple shadows and lets start………. Step 1 Lets jump right in and ope...
Accediendo a una red mediante NAT en Linux 8 Oct 2011 | 04:22 am
En las últimas entradas he tratado bastante de cómo acceder a nodos de una red remota por “métodos no estándar”: Creando túneles TCP/IP (port forwarding) con SSH: Los 8 escenarios posibles usando Ope...
Opération Photo 25 Nov 2008 | 06:16 am
Salut à tous , je vous propose de participer à une opé fan unique que je ferais parvenir à Tamara en mains propres Faites-moi parvenir une photo de vous avec le CD de "Reflets" à vos côtés Plus , ra...
Toute nouvelle opé !! Besoin de vous tous SVP ! 23 Jun 2008 | 10:00 pm
Coucou tous le monde , Je viens vous annoncer une nouvelle opération qui est prévue pour la sortie du second album de Shy'm . Donc cette fois-ci l'opération consistera a la réalisation d'une petite ...
Kiskopasz és az egyirányú utca 16 Apr 2011 | 05:53 am
Történt egy szép, péntek kora estén, hogy egy szlovák rendszámú Audi elindult az egyirányú utcában szemben a forgalommal. Már miért ne tehetné meg, mert csak? Csak a sors arra vitt egy kicsit öreg Ope...
Transpersonal psychotherapy and global events such as the Mexico oil ‘spill’ 11 Sep 2010 | 10:09 am
Scott Brown, writing in OpEd News, on August 31st, highlights the relevance of transpersonal psychotherapy to our understanding of global incidents – in his case the oil spill in Mexico… “As much as ...
* iTable * Have you seen before???? 30 Nov 2010 | 01:45 am
Recently I'm quite busy with my school stuffs. So I'll just make a quick blogging. So yup! As you all have seen my title... Are you shocked to see iTable?!?! Hahahahaha I've got the prove. Just ope....
Creating American Terrorists - OpEd 21 Jan 2012 | 01:18 pm
Klusmire’s real crime was to oppose a powerful interest group, the Israel Lobby. To do so these days is to invite a charge of terrorism support with the option of being arrested by the Pentagon and lo...