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What is Flex 4 2 Sep 2009 | 03:34 pm
For the latest information on the next major release of Flex SDK and Flash Builder 4(codenamed “Gumbo”), check out the Flex 4 page on the Adobe Open Source site:
腾讯微博 ActionScript 3.0 SDK 发布 22 Apr 2011 | 01:44 am
这是一套纯 ActionScript 3.0 实现的 SDK,你可以基于这套库快速开发腾讯微博相关的 Flash /Flex /AIR 应用程序。 下载地址:,1#sdk7 有任何疑问可以与该 SDK 的作者联系(SDK中有他的联系方式) Happy Coding.
Flex 4.6 is out! 1 Dec 2011 | 05:08 am
The Flex 4.6 SDK is available for download here. If you are using Flash Builder 4.5, download and upgrade your IDE for free. You can download Flash Builder 4.6 here. Since Flex 4.5, you can develop de...
Flash Builder 4, Flex 3 SDK: Export Release Build Error 20 Jan 2011 | 07:02 am
Had to import some Flex 3 projects to Flash Builder 4 (using it in work now), and everything seemed to go ok. Had copied the Flex 3 SDK from FB3 folder, set it as the default in FB4. Cleaned and ran t...
Disable & Enable Idle Timer in iOS SDK 3 Mar 2011 | 03:47 am
By default, the idle timer will dim the screen after a period of non use and then turn the power to the screen off. You may need to disable idle timer on a specific app such as a Flash light app or lo...
Use the 3.0 iPhone SDK to deploy to older versions (like 2.2.1) 20 Jun 2009 | 04:05 am
I’m integrating Pinch Media’s analytics and OpenFeint’s social gaming tools into my latest iPhone app. I just nabbed r64 of the Pinch library and dropped it into my app. When I compiled, I received tw...
Android Date Picker for Flex Hero 8 Nov 2010 | 09:29 am
I’ve been testing new Flex Hero SDK with AIR 2.5 on my HTC Desire HD. In Flash Builder Burrito it works very nice and smooth. Even debugging on mobile works nicely (computer and mobile must be connect...
Effacer un style d’un contrôle Spark Button dans Flex 4 22 Jan 2011 | 11:40 pm
L'exemple suivant montre comment vous pouvez effacer un style d'un contrôle Spark Button dans Flex 4 en utilisant la méthode clearStyle(). L'exemple suivant requiert Flash Player 10 et le SDK Adobe F...
objectHandles 2.0 - create custom handles with Adobe Flash Builder 4 (Flex 4) 16 Nov 2010 | 03:38 am
I'm writing this blog post because it was a nightmare for me to find useful information about using of objectHandles 2.0 with Flex 4 SDK. If you decide to use this library in your project and your pro...
腾讯微博 Flash/JS/AIR SDK公布 7 Jan 2011 | 11:04 pm
腾讯微博 Flash/AIR/Javascript SDK 公布啦,前端开发同学们快来体验! 下载地址:,1