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原来爱可以如此悄然无声,在生活里默默履行 9 Jul 2013 | 10:31 pm

生日理应是忙着收礼物,今年我爸却分别给我、妈和妹派礼物。 长大以后,只要随口提提说想要买些什么, 爸总是会用心记着。 今年爸的生日,也没为他大事庆祝,还让他送了我这份礼物,确实有点过意不去。 想要为爸爸找一份合他心意的礼物,结果一点头绪也没有。 其实,爸爸什么也不缺,或更正确一点是他喜欢的我都还没能力给他。 小时候,我很确定母亲很疼爱我,因为母亲爱子心切,爱得没有保留。 长大后,我渐渐看懂父亲如...

在平凡中踏实 1 Jan 2013 | 09:40 am

这个极少写作的一年里,我似乎变得没有太多想法了。 就连今天重新要写一篇文章,也一再写了又删, 所以成品也就没往年般冗长。 以前写作的大前提是把一切记录好,好让日后可以回顾。 所以脑子里总是想着如何把生活的体验和芝麻小事化为文字。 这一年里,学业是生活的大主轴,学着更认真,学着不要像以往那么吊儿郎当。 这么一来,就少了硬把生活浓缩成文字的闲情,也渐渐少了那么一股写作的热血。 看在别人眼...

More pad thai 中文 related news:

New classes at Love Apple farm – macarons, pad thai, summer jams (not all at once!) 6 May 2011 | 07:29 am

Looking for fun projects to do this summer? Come join me in a class (or two, or three) at Love Apple Farm’s awesome teaching kitchen, on the grounds of the-even-more-awesome Love Apple farm in Santa C...

Pad Thai 7 Jan 2012 | 12:52 pm

rezove rezance,vyhonoky,krevety,arasidy,vajcie,por

Food: Pad Thai 23 Jun 2011 | 01:04 pm

I’ve been practicing on how to make pad thai. This was my first time trying to make the papaya salad too. I used a mixture of veggie fish sauce and sugar for the salad. That’s about it.

For My Birthday- May 17, 2009 21 May 2009 | 01:39 pm

Natalee! I am going IN. I should drink this. Pretty Plants I am drinking this. Where is my food? Yay! Delicious. What is it??? Pad Thai Done. On my way home.

Chicken and Shrimp Pad Thai 30 Dec 2011 | 01:27 pm

We love Pad Thai!!! It is a must when we go to any Thai restaurant so I had to try my hand at it at home . . . and it was awesome and easy breeezy to make! Chicken and Shrimp Pad Thai Recipe by: Emily...

Thai Sauce, Pad Thai Recipe, and Thai Curry Recipe 24 Jan 2011 | 12:59 am

The secret to Thai food rely on two things, Thai Herbs and Thai Sauce. Herbs are all about the scent but the mouth watering taste comes from the sauce. Delicious Thai dishes come from perfect Thai sau...

NEW! TRY THE FISH! 25 Feb 2011 | 09:13 am

Thai Express is happy to introduce a new item on the menu! Fish is available with TOM YUM SOUP, REGULAR SOUP, CURRY, FRIED RICE, STIR-FRIES, PAD THAI AND PAD SEW.

Spicy mad i Chiang Mai 3 May 2012 | 08:52 pm

De fleste der har været i Thailand kender de velrenommerede og klassiske thailandske retter som Pad Thai Chicken, den stærke grønne karry og den saftige mango med søde klistrede kokosris. Men det t...

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