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More paypal api interface related news:

How to Get PayPal API Username, Password, and Signature Information 3 Mar 2012 | 09:33 pm

How to Get PayPal API Username, Password, and Signature Information I am writing this article to help those who are unable to find their PayPal API information. I seem to always need this information ...

Complete E-Shop with Paypal support (PHP/MySQL) 18 Nov 2010 | 05:19 am

One of my oldest projects is a website/e-shop for a Record Label. A complete e-shop solution using Paypal API to charge the clients. The first version (2002) had a special functionality that allowed...

Le Cloud arrive dans nos voitures… 14 May 2011 | 01:15 am

C’est ce qui a été évoqué lors de la conférence Google I/O qui s’est déroulée les 10 et 11 mai dernier à San Francisco. Le constructeur automobile Ford a annoncé que la Prediction API (interface de p...

Add PayPal Buy Now Button to Website 17 Apr 2012 | 12:41 pm

Place PayPal buy now buttons on a webpage using html and paypal api.One can also enable multiple items.

A2Billing Version 2.0 released 12 Nov 2012 | 04:27 pm

Our team have released a major upgrade of A2Billing. This release addresses a number of security issues and recent changes to the Paypal API so we would urge everyone to upgrade to this version, parti...

AfterBurst Paypal Issues 14 Jan 2013 | 09:00 am

In the last week or two, we’ve been seeing some issues with the PayPal API. This has been causing some payments not to register in our billing panel. When you pay an invoice, please make sure an email...

Pay Your Invoice! 11 Mar 2013 | 09:00 am

UI Designs, UX, Website, Email, Application, PayPal User Interface and Experience Design Adding credit options lead to over-all improved invoice designs.

Le Cloud arrive dans nos voitures… 13 May 2011 | 06:15 pm

C’est ce qui a été évoqué lors de la conférence Google I/O qui s’est déroulée les 10 et 11 mai dernier à San Francisco. Le constructeur automobile Ford a annoncé que la Prediction API (interface de p...

Bientôt des APIs bancaires pour les entreprises 22 Aug 2013 | 12:31 am

Tout doucement, l'idée d'offrir des services aux développeurs d'applications sous forme d'APIs ("interfaces de programmation applicative") fait son chemin dans les banques. Né officiellement en 2012 d...

Anleitung: So finden Sie Ihre Paypal API Daten 20 Aug 2013 | 06:45 pm

Für die Paypal Anbindung Ihres Shops oder Ihrer Website benötigen Sie ein Paypal Geschäftskonto und die Paypal API Daten. Letztere bestehen aus einem Paypal Benutzer, einem Kennwort und einer Signatur...

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