Most permalink settings wordpress seo related news are at:
Soliloquy (jQuery Slider) Plugin Review 30 Apr 2012 | 10:00 pm
What is Soliloquy? Soliloquy makes it easy to put multiple, responsive jQuery sliders in any page, post, custom post type, or widget on your WordPress site. It even has lightbox support (add as a sep... vs. (…and the focus of WordPress 3.4) 27 Apr 2012 | 02:07 pm
First, let me start by offering a disclaimer: These are strictly my opinions on the differences between WordPress .org and .com and more importantly, the differences between who should be using them b...
More permalink settings wordpress seo related news:
3 WordPress Plugins to Safely Change Your Permalink Structure 12 May 2007 | 10:38 am
In my previous post on “WordPress SEO Tutorial: The Best SEO Permalink Structure,” I realize that I had left out a major point to be taken: if you’re changing your old permalink structure to a new one...
Permalinks in WordPress richtig SEO aktiv gestalten 26 Jan 2011 | 12:50 pm
Jetzt mal ehrlich, geht es Euch nicht auch so? Ihr seht einen Blog, ob neu oder alt spielt eigentlich keine Rolle und schaut Euch das URL Design an. Dabei stellt...
What WordPress SEO Dashboard control ? 13 May 2012 | 01:57 am
This is the WordPress SEO Dashboard, here you can control some of the basic settings such as for which post types and taxonomies to show the WordPress SEO controls. Webmaster Tools Underneath the Ge...
WordPress SEO Post Tutorial 15 Sep 2009 | 01:21 am
A video walk through by gladdeng on creating a post in WordPress, giving the post SEO and setting the page template.
Yoast WordPress SEO export settings problem 12 Aug 2011 | 08:13 am
I have found that one of the best SEO plugins for Word Press is WordPress SEO which is yet another of Joost de Valk’s many good WP plugins. I started to use it some months ago and apart from the le...
WordPress SEO: How to Optimize Your WordPress Blog to The Search Engines And to Your Readers 15 Jan 2011 | 04:54 am
Do you lack a system to set up your WordPress sites for ideal search engine optimization? In this video I show a basic SEO-setup, including the ideal settings, essential WP plugins and how to also op...
Setting Permalink WordPress 3.3 19 Dec 2011 | 09:09 pm
Ada yang menarik pada WordPress ver. 3.3 kali ini yang menurut aku perlu aku bahas sedikit, yaitu adanya perubahan berupa penambahan setting permalink pada WordPress yang sebelumnya hanya dilakukan se...
Mengatur Permalink WordPress SEO Friendly 13 Feb 2011 | 02:54 am
Secara default memang wordpress kadang menampilkan link url yang kurang deskriptif seperti: Jadi untuk Untuk mengeditnya silakan langsung masuk ke dashbord >> settings >...
How to create SEO friendly URLs by changing permalink settings in Wordpress 3.3 15 Feb 2012 | 11:47 pm
While doing search engine optimization for your website, it is important to ensure that the title and URL of webpages contain relevant important keywords which have been used in content. If your artic...
Fix Broken Permalinks after WordPress 3.2.1 Upgrade 21 Jul 2011 | 05:36 pm
Have your blog traffic stats taken a tumble after upgrading WordPress? Mine did, after upgrading to WordPress 3.2.1. The fix may be easier than you think. Re-save your settings – that’s all, folks! Ea...