Most php.ini wordpress related news are at: – bavatuesdays | a "b" blog

Tracking Over Four Years of Traffic on UMW Blogs 27 Aug 2013 | 06:42 am

I’m working on presentation about assessment on another front, and as an excuse for a break I decided to post some recent UMW Blogs traffic statistics from the last four years. I know analytics and da...

True Crime: America’s Most Wanted 27 Aug 2013 | 04:16 am

This semester I have the good fortune of co-teaching a Freshman Seminar on True Crime with Paul Bond, who has been a long time ds106 lifer and blew my mind last Fall as an open, online particpant prof...

More php.ini wordpress related news:

PHP and WordPress Web Hosting 23 Nov 2008 | 11:07 am

PHP Web Hosting has evolved to include graphical applications, or for producing dynamic web pages using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), a widely used general purpose open-source scripting language that ...

Simple PHP cURL WordPress spammer 6 Jan 2010 | 10:35 am

The PHP cURL comment spammer is my Christmas present to spam-noobs. The script gets proxies and user agents from text files and comment data (users, emails, URLs, comment, target/spam URLs) from csv f...

PHP script generator sederhana untuk belajar PHP 9 May 2012 | 10:04 pm

Ini adalah PHP generator yang sangat mudah digunakan dan hasil codenya juga sangat sederhana. Jadi sangat cocok bagi yang ingin belajar PHP langkah awal bikin field yang mau dibuat. Seolah-olah bikin...

AmberPanther acquires 30 Jun 2010 | 11:46 am

Today, June 29 2010, AmberPanther has reached an agreement, and acquired was mainly focused on PHP and WordPress, providing tutorials and solutions. The original sit...

Large file uploads now integrated into Blogg-X 3.0 31 May 2009 | 09:54 pm

 I have integrated support for uploading large files (up to 100mb) remotely via Blogg-X.  This works regardless of the php.ini settings by breaking the file into smaller peices and reassembling on the...

PHP deer Postgresql рүү холбогдох. 16 May 2010 | 11:20 am

Windows7, vista дээр appserv-win32-2.5.10 энийг суулгаад postgresql сервэрлүү холбогдохгүй байвал. c:/Windows/php.ini файлыг нээгээд extension=php_pgsql.dll энэ мөрийн ; ийг аваад хадгална. тэгсэн ч ...

upload file besar di ehcp 27 May 2011 | 10:34 pm

langsung aja aku ambil dari readme nya ehcp // Note: IF YOU WANT TO ALLOW LARGE FILE UPLOADS, YOU MAY HAVE TO ADJUST //       THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS: //       1 – in the file php.ini: upload_max_...

How to Fix timthumb.php in WordPress 7 Dec 2011 | 06:06 pm

Recently, my site was hacked due to a file called timthump.php that some WordPress themes carry. If you find yourself in this dilemma, follow my instructions on how to fix your site and gain control a...

.html内でPHPを動かしたいのに画面が真っ白【PHP】【.htaccess】 24 Dec 2010 | 10:30 pm

.htaccessに下記のように記述して、.html内でもPHPを動かせるようにする。 と思って設置すると、画面真っ白…。顔面も真っ白。。。 なんて言ってる場合ではなく、解決せねば。 まず、PHPのマニュアル(コア php.ini ディレクティブに関する説明)には下記のように書いてあります。 PHP タグの短縮型 (<? ?>) を使用 可能にするかどうかを設定します。 PHPをXMLと...

如何提升 WordPress 性能 12 Dec 2011 | 06:33 am

使用 WP-Cache 插件,优化MySQL 查询缓存以及 PHP 定向(Opcode)缓存,更高级的还有修改 httpd.conf 和 php.ini 文件等等。因内容太过专业我看不懂,请大家自行前往观之。 以及相关资源: 优化你的 wordpress 载入时间 优化你的数据库 如何优化 CSS 优化 wordpress 性能 优化 wordpress 以适应高流量 高性能的 wo...

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