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三省堂の国語辞典「現代新国語辞典」が発売記念セールで700円値下げ(7月18日〜8月18日、先着300名) 19 Jul 2013 | 05:33 am

我が家の息子も小学校の高学年になり漢字の学習もレベルが上がってきた。それにひきかえ、私の漢字力はパソコンのカナ漢変換に全てお任せとなってしまい、息子の質問に答えるにはiPhoneが欠かせない状況。 そんな状況に親近感を覚える方に朗報。日本語の表現力をつちかう74,000語を収録した三省堂の国語辞典「現代新国語辞典」が発売記念セールで700円値下げ(7月18日〜8月18日、先着300名)。 「三...

iPhone、iPod Touch、iPadの連絡先をWindows PCで管理できる「CopyTrans Contacts」がサマーキャンペーンで50%オフ 2 Jul 2013 | 08:15 am

iPhone、iPod Touch、iPadの連絡先をWindows PCで管理できる「CopyTrans Contacts」がサマーキャンペーンで50%オフセール中。 ご興味のある方はこちらからどうぞ。 使い方のビデオはこちら: The post iPhone、iPod Touch、iPadの連絡先をWindows PCで管理できる「CopyTrans Contacts」がサマーキャンペー...

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Pocket Informant 10 Feb 2012 | 11:39 pm

Лучший органайзер Windows Mobile отныне перекочевал и на платформу Андроид! Стабильное приложения с массой настроек и довольно широкой функциональностью. К тому же – весьма компактный для подобной фун...

Panasonic HM-TA1 22 Mar 2011 | 07:49 am

The Panasonic HM-TA1 is a pocket-sized HD camcorder for the Web 2.0 blogging set. Dubbed a “multimedia mobile camera”, the Panasonic HM-TA1 can be used to shoot video, snap digital photos or even as a...

Besser Geben Samsung HMX-E10 High Definition Pocket-Camcorder (HD, 1920×1080 25p, 1-fach opt. Zoom, 6,85 cm (2,7 Zoll) Display) schwarz Verkauf von Sa... 3 Dec 2012 | 06:07 pm

Erhalten Erschwinglich Samsung HMX-E10 High Definition Pocket-Camcorder (HD, 1920×1080 25p, 1-fach opt. Zoom, 6,85 cm (2,7 Zoll) Display) schwarz Verkauf 8 Megapixel Fotofunktion AF und 2-fach digital...

IPOD TOUCH 1.40 pocket information user guide 21 Dec 2012 | 05:20 pm

IPOD Touch Pocket Informant is designed for easy use, yet powerful at the same time. Every feature in Pocket Informant is designed to be as unobtrusive and simple to access as possible. In simplicity,...

دانلود تقویم رو میزی Pocket Informant-Events Tasksبرای اندروید 18 Dec 2012 | 05:46 pm

    مانند یک تقویم رومیزی شما میتوانید تمام رویدادهایی را که در روزهای مختلف رخ میدهد در این تقویم یادداشت کنید   دانلود از سرور یکتادانلود دانلود با حجنم 3.20 مگابایت رمز منبع:w...

Best tasks application 14 Jan 2013 | 08:06 pm

1st place) Pocket Informant for Windows Mobile (Tasks module) Features: - Group tasks by groups (priorities or projects can be groups) - Custom groups of tasks - Collapse a group of tasks - Move task...

Strike it Rich with Pocket Change 25 Mar 2011 | 06:55 am

This heavily illustrated and informative guide is the first of its kind targeting the less sophisticated collector who simply has an interest in a less mainstream form of collecting, which offers grea...

Aluma Wallet 25 Feb 2011 | 07:52 am

AlumaWallet – the ultimate aluminum wallet! Tired of bulky wallets that you can barely stuff into your pockets? Do you worry about people being able to steal your credit card information just by pass...

Extreme Skater HD 28 May 2012 | 09:10 am

Extreme skateboarding in your pocket! Shred through hills and forests in a quest to collect all the fallen meteor fragments and harness the full power of the meteor! Jump, flip, turn and grind! Tap, ...

Tom and Jerry Around the World.[2012].DVD.Blu-Ray.1920x1080p.RIP.DIVX.[Eng]-DUQA 18 May 2012 | 06:51 pm

Movie Information: Release Date:05/01/2012 Genre:Animation | Adventure | Comedy Subtitles:English Video Format:DVD Rip Quality:Full HD Size: 3.44 GB Download Now

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