Most politically-correct related news are at:
How would you judge this behavior in a man? 15 Oct 2011 | 12:00 pm
If a man is sweet to woman, sleeps with her, and once she is physically addicted to the sex, and emotionally attached, denies her a commited relationship, but keeps having sex with her. He stays sweet...
How do I control my behavior at school? 9 Oct 2011 | 12:02 pm
Even though it’s only been 2 months into the school year, I’ve already gotten myself a detention, a lunch detention, and some private talks. I try so hard to control my behavior and attitude, it’s jus...
More politically-correct related news:
Terrorist Profiling in Europe Being Used to Good Effect 1 Jan 2009 | 12:28 pm
By: Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman Since the horrors of the Islamist attack on Mumbai, European governments are taking off their politically-correct gloves. Taking a position that used to be an excuse for ...
evolutionary biology 27 Jan 2012 | 10:58 am
EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Evolutionary biology is one of those simple concepts that should have been obvious but is hard to sell because of such things as political correct thinking ( an oxymoron to be su...
Festival of the Roasted Pig 19 Aug 2011 | 11:09 pm
For a few minutes of each day, I like to cast aside the trappings and concerns of the world, and thumb my nose at the virtues of political correctness. On that note, what better way to embrace this ro...
Swine Flu Update (Chances are it WON'T get you) 9 Nov 2009 | 04:20 am
Finally, a new source has published some of the facts about swine flu, that is H1N1 for those on the political correctness band wagon, from the CBC News: Dr. Richard Schabas, chief medical officer of...
Is it time to STOP sending Christmas cards to your clients? 13 Oct 2008 | 09:41 am
Why might you want to rethink sending out Christmas (or, to be politically correct, "holiday") cards to your clients? Because every one else does. Your clients are receiving a lot of Christmas/holid...
Unnecessary Politically Correct Courtesies 6 Apr 2012 | 06:55 am
As parents of a black baseball player, there comes the moments within the experience that my wife and I have found ourselves amongst other parents of a new team or being the newcomers to an establish ...
Meatball Marathon Review 17 Aug 2011 | 06:42 pm
It’s probably not politically correct, but I’ll openly admit that I find the sight of rotund men running bouncily along rather amusing. There’s just something about the way they wobble. Clearly I’m no...
Gollywogs are making a comeback. 15 Dec 2011 | 02:57 pm
I love that Gollywogs are making a comeback. It’s like a giant up yours to the face of political correctness.
stereotyping and Political Correctness USA vs Thailand 7 Nov 2011 | 04:36 am
There is always a beneficial side towards ‘saying it has it is’. When I first got here and read want ads in the paper with something like ‘Factory worker – wanted Female 18 – 24, 9th grade certificate...
West’s liberals fail to help, says Hirsi Ali – The Age 16 Apr 2012 | 11:22 am
by Barney Zwartz 16th April, 2012 via The Age WESTERN liberals, crippled by political correctness, guilt and a romanticised view of Islam, are leaving atheists and Christians bereft in the ”Arab wi...