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上海自贸区的三朵金花 27 Aug 2013 | 05:44 pm

  8月22日,国务院批准设立中国(上海)自由贸易试验区。自贸区在中国是一个新事物,其主要任务是要探索我国对外开放的新路径和新模式,推动加快转变政府职能和行政体制改革,促进转变经济增长方式和优化经济结构,实现以开放促发展、促改革、促创新,形成可复制、可推 ...

毫不犹豫买进002317众生药业 27 Aug 2013 | 05:22 pm


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Review: Secrets of Corel Painter Experts 1 Jun 2011 | 08:16 am

Beacon, by Andreas Rocha Secrets of Corel Painter Experts: Tips, Techniques, and Insights for Users of All Abilities by Daryl Wise and Linda Hellfritsch, is a new title from Course Technology PTR. It...

FOO FIHTERS「Walk(PV)」の元ネタ 2 Oct 2011 | 04:18 am

デビュー16年目にして、全米NO1を獲得したFOO FIHTERS。その話題の新作『Wasting Light』に収録されている「Walk」。曲も良いのですが、映像の方もキれまくっています。そのPVなのですが、結構有名な映画のパロディとなっています。 元ネタとなっているのは、マイケル・ダグラス主演でカルト的な人気を博した「フォーリング・ダウン」です。PVと映画トレーラーを見ていただければ、すぐに...

the PILLOWS「New Animal(PV)」の元ネタ 12 Aug 2010 | 02:09 am

業界関係者から高い人気のあるthe PILLOWS。30枚近いシングルを発表してきていますが、その中のシングル「New Animal」のPVに元ネタがあります。 アメリカのアブストラクトロック・Battles「Atlas」のPVが元になっていて、どちらにもキューブ型ステージや鏡などの特徴が見られます。 the PILLOWSの方は、万華鏡のイメージなどのアイデアも追加されているので、ただのコピ...

Reading List #2 30 Sep 2009 | 02:48 am

Hey, I got some nice reactions to my reading list. So here we go again. Make sure to pay attention to a special insight at the end of the list, i think it is worth it     http://www.linkprincessblog.c...

Accessing math through textbooks 17 Jan 2012 | 12:04 pm

Whether learning about a new subject, referencing a tricky topic or just gaining insight into future college or career options, mathematics textbooks can be an invaluable resource to any student. High...

An Insight into FarmVille Strategy: FV Champ by Tony Sanders 10 Aug 2010 | 08:02 pm

What FarmVille Champ aka FV Champ by Tony Sanders gives you the best is an insight into FarmVille strategy, which depends on the goals here in the game that you have come to play for. Whatever your g...

My presentation at the Addynamo Blogging Workshop 18 Feb 2010 | 10:04 pm

If you missed it, here’s my presentation from the Addynamo Blogging Workshop that I did yesterday. There are some interesting Adgator insights which haven’t been seen before. Addynamo Blogging Worksh...

Digitizing my cold hard cash at Coinstar for a gift card and a woman (but mostly a gift card) #NOFEECoinstar #CBias 3 Apr 2012 | 01:15 am

Due to my awesomeness, I have been paid (at Coinstar’s request) to try and blog about Coinstar’s products/services as part of a Collective Bias shopper insights study. All opinions are my own, but I a...

Year of the Water Dragon 2012 Insights 23 Jan 2012 | 05:30 pm

4 minutes of Year of the Dragon upcoming. It will be majestic, powerful and perhaps even painful It is the time to implement all that is prepared and release all latent energies. If you have somet...

Solar PV Panels Awnings 21 Aug 2010 | 09:06 am

I understand this installation was done by Bella Energy. Post from: Dave Dugdale I will be offering Solar Panel Diagrams soon. Solar PV Panels Awnings If you enjoyed this video, you mi...

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