Most qe3 related news are at: macht unseren Lesern bis zum 18.02. ein exklusives Treueangebot 30 Jan 2013 | 04:45 pm

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, wie im vorigen Beitrag mitgeteilt, sind wir mit seit gestern auf die Seite von umgezogen. Ab sofort findet Ihr dort alle neu erscheinenden ...

Wirtschaftsfacts geht gemeinsam mit Cashkurs in eine neue Zukunft 29 Jan 2013 | 02:25 pm

Die Entscheidung ist uns relativ leicht gefallen, denn nach mehr als viereinhalb Jahren, in denen wir rund um die Finanzmärkte, die Finanzkrise und die Entwicklungen im globalen Bankensektor berichtet...

More qe3 related news:

QE 2 is ending, is QE3 on the way? 21 May 2011 | 06:55 pm

I am sure that most of your were surprise that silver went down so quickly. Sure we expected the correction to come sooner or later. But at the levels they went down there is a certainty something is ...

现货黄金触及日高 央行宽松预期或带来长期利好 27 Apr 2012 | 01:36 pm

周四(4月26日)纽市盘中,现货黄金继续震荡上行,突破1660美元/盎司水平。  美国上周初请失业金数据表现不济令美元走弱,该数据告诉投资者:美联储(FED)第三轮量化宽松政策(QE3)并不能被排除,尽管公开市场委员会(FOMC)在上日的政策声明中只字不提QE3。  在另一数据显示美国3月芝加哥联储全球活动指数从上月的0.07跌至-0.29后,部分投资者坚定了看多黄金的决心,技术性买盘开始发力。 ...

美國還會有QE3嗎? 1 Sep 2011 | 01:47 pm

在剛過去的聯儲局年會上,伯南克 對是否推行第三次的量化寬鬆政策(QE3)不置可否。他只 在會後表 示,適當時會採取額外的刺激措施,以令美國經濟恢復增長的動力。為了令大家不致於太失望,他透露會把9月份的聯儲局會議加多一天,以便深入一點去研究對策。 (閱讀全文)

語錄 30 Aug 2011 | 07:29 pm

8月4日旁晚,長實(1)主席李嘉誠於業績記者會散場時,仍不忘向記者表示,「來緊經濟會比較slow d。」同晚,美股急跌數百點,及後環球股市急挫。 8月30日,中石化(386)董事長傅成玉昨出席中石化中期業績發布會時表示,「未來3至5年,全球經濟會很糟糕,若美國推出第三次量化寬鬆政策(QE3),情況將更差。」

The Debt Ceiling Raised – Here Comes QE3.. 5 Aug 2011 | 04:31 am

I am by no means an expert on this subject, I am not a licensed professional and I do not give financial,tax or legal advice. This is just my opinion and my opinion only. With that said,lets move on. ...

Bernanke hints at QE3 8 Dec 2010 | 05:46 pm

One month after a second round of quantative easing (QE), Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, is warning Americans a third round may be necessary. The $600 billion (£400 billion) that ...

Gold Targets $1,600 on QE3 Expectations 18 May 2012 | 11:24 pm

Physical retail Gold and Silver buying activity has returned this week as Gold and Silver provided a welcome opportunity for physical Bullion coin and bar investors to get back into the market.

Jim Rickards: War with Iran and QE3 possibly by this Summer 31 May 2012 | 12:35 am

Follow us @ US Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum won all three republican voting contests last night. Let’s just remind our viewers what some of his thoughts are re...

NO QE3: What are the Implications for the Dollar? 26 Jun 2011 | 01:28 am

The verdict is nearly in; there will be no QE3. The second round of quantitative easing (“QE2”) will expire at the end of this month, and while it will not be unwound for quite some time, the Fed has ...

Rynek myśli o QE3. Czy Ben Bernanke rozczaruje? 18 Jul 2012 | 03:34 am

Tydzień rozpoczynamy w nie najlepszych nastrojach osłabianych utrzymującymi się obawami o światowy wzrost gospodarczy, wciąż oddalany, a jednocześnie silnie oczekiwany termin łagodzenia polityki pieni...

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