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Un disco enorme, no se me ocurre otra cosa. Puedo destacar algunos temas, como la parte final de Mange, o el Good bye, dear friend, el sonido garaje, la canción con rabia y la voz cruda. Try
Little Blue Pilot Light of Humanity 31 Jan 2012 | 07:02 pm
Name: Rabia Ahmed Location: New York, New York Relationship to Jessica: Friend and fellow volunteer The following e-mail and letter were written last year by Jessica’s friend, Rabia. —————————————...
If I Adore You | Rabia al Basri 3 Dec 2009 | 09:24 am
- If I Adore You - If I adore You out of fear of Hell, Burn me in Hell! If I adore you out of desire for Paradise, Lock me out of Paradise. But if I adore you for Yourself alone, Do not deny t...
Reality | Rabia al-Basri 2 Dec 2009 | 08:00 am
- Reality - In love, nothing exists between heart and heart. Speech is born out of longing, True description from the real taste. The one who tastes, knows; the one who explains, lies. How can...
Love | Rabia al Basri 1 Dec 2009 | 08:00 am
- Love I have loved Thee with two loves - a selfish love and a love that is worthy of Thee. As for the love which is selfish, Therein I occupy myself with Thee, to the exclusion of all others. ...
Muerto el perro... ¿se acabó la rabia? 3 May 2011 | 09:58 am
El anuncio de la muerte de Osama bin Laden a manos de un operativo especial de los Navy SEALS y la CIA es un triunfo para los servicios de inteligencia de Estados Unidos que por más de diez años han i...
Pues yo veo a Carmen Machi igual de hinchada que antes. — Rabia Contenida (@rabiacontenida) 29 May 2012 | 05:22 am
Discriminación En Los Trabajos Por La Edad 19 Apr 2012 | 04:51 pm
Me da mucha rabia leer en los anuncios de trabajo que las personas deben pertenecer a un rango de edad para poder integrarse laboralmente. 1º) Piden a jóvenes de 18 años con experiencia: ¿Qué experie...
United Arab Emirates Radio Stations - Listen Online 13 Apr 2012 | 08:57 am
Please Select Your favorite Radio Channel To Listen 106.2 Hum FM Sharjah 104.4 Virgin Radio Dubai Abu Dhabi 91.6 Classic FM 87.9 Dubai Abu Dhabi Radio Al Arabiya 99.0 FM Al Rabia FM 107.8 FM Al...
Important Updates From Pakistan Blog Awards 2011 27 Dec 2011 | 10:39 am
So it happened, “Pakistan Blog Awards 2011” and happened with all the colors of Pakistan which were promised by its agenda. It started with Rabia Gharib’s warm welcome (with one broken hand) and a mar...