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More rad rails template related news:
what is rails templates ? 20 Mar 2013 | 01:33 pm
generators can be used inside an application, they can also be used to generate applications too, This kind of generator is referred as a “template”. example gem(“rspec-rails”, :group => “test”) gem(“...
Inserting HTML into a HAML template 13 Mar 2012 | 01:27 pm
This is more of a "note to self" post. I recently had a case where a Rails views helper was outputting raw HTML. I needed it to display within a HAML template. Rather than modify the helper to output ...
Handling ActionView::MissingTemplate exceptions 10 Dec 2011 | 12:45 pm
Perhaps you’ve been receiving annoying emails about exceptions like this in your Rails apps: This exception is raised when you’re missing the template for responding to a request of a certain format....
TextMate 快捷键收集&教程 31 Oct 2011 | 02:39 pm
⌘T: Go To File,这个每天要用到N次 Esc: 自动补全 ⌃W: 选中当前word 还有默认的类似Emacs的光标移动,不过这些是Mac自己的快捷键 For Rails: ⌘R: Run ⌃|: ... ⌥⌘⇧↓ : Go to... ⌃⇧H:生成partial template ctrl + ⌘ +上下键:移动整行 ctrl + shift + K: 删除整行 ctrl + shi...
Webiva 25 Jul 2010 | 09:49 am
Webiva is a Rails CMS with a built-in WYSIYWYG Page Editor, File Manager and inline templating system. Available open-source Modules add support for Blogs, Comments, Video, Forums, Books, Mailing, soc...
RailsWizard – Web App for Customize and Build Rails Application Templates 28 Feb 2011 | 03:20 am
RailsWizard is a free and open source web application that helps you rapidly customize and build Rails application templates. Rails Wizard aims to get all of the repetitive startup cost out of the dev...
Optional locals in Rails partial templates 12 Jul 2012 | 05:33 am
In Rails it is very advisable to not use any instance variables inside your partials if you want to re-use that partial in a different context. It is much better to simply leverage locals that you pa...
RailsCasts #387 Cache Digests (Railscasts - free) 20 Oct 2012 | 05:00 am
The cache_digests gem (also included in Rails 4) will automatically add a digest to the fragment cache key based on the template. If a template changes the cache will auto-expire. But watch out for th...
Cache Digests 23 Nov 2012 | 11:38 pm
The cache_digests gem (also included in Rails 4) will automatically add a digest to the fragment cache key based on the template. If a template changes the cache will auto-expire but there are traps w...
Novi CMS Templates Club 12 Apr 2013 | 03:55 pm
Drugari sa zadovoljstvom mogu da najavim da je pusten u rad novi CMS (elxis, joomla, wordpress) club. Posetite nas na