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How To Install Ruby on Rails Ubuntu Server 11.10 11 Nov 2011 | 11:56 pm

Ruby Rails is a Web application framework created in 2004 intended as a rapid development web framework. It was intended to emphasize Convention over Configuration (CoC) meaning the developer only nee...

Unity Asset Server でブランチ切ったりタグつけたりする方法 3 Dec 2012 | 12:38 pm

弊社のUnityプロジェクトではUnity Asset Serverを使ってソースコードやアセットの管理を行なっているのですが、以前ブログに書いた通りこのUnity Asset Serverさんは標準でブランチもなければタグもサポートしていないというCVS以下の素敵なシロモノです。しかしながらやはり開発のニーズ上、継続的に開発するためにはブランチやタグが必要になってきます。そこでUnity Ass...

How to safely kill rails WEBrick server running in daemon mode 4 Dec 2012 | 08:43 pm

Ruby on rails and the WEBrick Daemon are great for testing however there are times when you start a WEBrick server in daemon mode and later find you need to stop this without restarting the box. This ...

Rails assets not loading during test 24 Mar 2013 | 05:38 am

When testing your Rails application, if you’ve discover the test cases that requires JavaScript are failing, chances are your assets are not loaded during the test. Use save_and_open_page or use debug...

Re : Assets - Servers aren't being scanned for changes 27 Aug 2013 | 07:48 am

Hi, Kindly send us your contact details and convenient time to [email protected] so that we can analyze the issue on remote session. Please attach this forum link to the mail for referen...

Comparing MRI Rails App Server Performance on Heroku 1 Jul 2013 | 07:47 pm

I wrote up some experimental benchmarking of various Rails app server options on heroku. I was interested in MRI 1.9.3 (yes, MRI, with the GIL), Rails 3.2 with config.threadsafe! set, so the app ca...

Our Rails Rumble Entry - 20 Oct 2010 | 01:18 pm is our RailsRumble entry, and I am quite happy with it! StillAlive does app monitoring with a twist. Instead of just pinging your server, or checking for a string on a page, you can wr...

rails server -e production在后台运行 1 Jan 2011 | 07:11 am

用了rails server -e production & 过一阵rails就没有什么反应了,不知道是不是因为我退出了终端的原因~但是回去看的话进程里还是有的~ 乱找了个方法,试试nohup口令,详情如下 nohup rails server -e production & 引自 nohup命令让程序在后台运行-lin...

Running jQuery code from Ruby using ExecJS-Async 5 Sep 2011 | 04:24 am

Last week I wrote a post about using the Asset Pipeline outside of Rails because we needed to test answers for Code School’s upcoming Zombies 2 course. But we also need a way to test javascript (that ...

Minecraft 1.9.6 is out 12 Nov 2011 | 05:39 am

Well, just stumped over Jebs twitt, so as usual, the server is available for testing at port 25590 Get the jar here

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