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Running Your Own Business is Hard 21 Jul 2013 | 06:39 pm

When I first started this site, I was only working part time on a dream that I have always wanted to do; work from home doing what I love to do in design, development, and technology. I’ve always live...

Creativity amped with business cards 18 Jun 2010 | 03:39 am

I had a great time participating in Meredith Marsh‘s Business Card Exchange. I believe this is the second year she has done this and its a nice way to learn of other designers in the industry and perh...

More rails generate pdf related news:

rails中例用JQUERY 18 Jan 2011 | 08:26 pm

首先建立一个新项目,实际上有没有-J都无所谓 rails new helloworld -J 然后,在项目的Gemfile中添加, gem 'jquery-rails' 运行 bundle install 再运行 rails generate jquery:install 这时Prototype和相应JS就会被删除,而替换成JQuery的JS。 如果你要使用JQuery UI的话...

Fuelless Generators 8 Jan 2012 | 03:02 am

Gurus Marketing Services Declares…. “You’re About To Discover The Secret Of Building A Fuelless Generator for Your 247 Electricity Supply….” ...Download the fuelless generator .PDF report for free b...

Free Download – 7-PDF Maker 1.4.0 Build 128 19 May 2012 | 12:43 am

A very good and easy to use PDF Creator · Generated PDF and PDF / A-1 from over 80 file formats and image · Creates PDF hyperlinks from MS Word referrals (email, web link, etc.) · Generation of tag...

PDFCreator 1.3.2 8 Apr 2012 | 07:20 pm

PDFCreator is a tool to Make PDF Files from near any Windows application. Key features: generate PDFs from any train that is able to lettering; wellbeing: encrypt PDFs and safeguard them from being op...

Specify precision and scale attributes for decimal number with scaffold/model/migration generators in Rails 3.2.0 23 Jan 2012 | 12:35 pm

By using the short hand  :decimal{precision, scale}, rails generator lets you generate number migration with decimal and scale. You could use {precision, scale} or {precison-scale} or {precision.scale...

PDF generation and Heroku 3 Aug 2011 | 12:07 am

For 請求書.jp, we wanted to provide our users with a way to generate PDF versions of invoices. We used the PDFKit gem (, which by itself is a thin wrapper around wkhtmlto...

How to generate PDF from XHTML or XML source using a Java Applet 3 Jan 2011 | 08:32 pm

Here is an example on how to use a Java Applet to generate a PDF from XHTML or XML source. The main advantage of using an Applet to generate from XHTML or XML source is XHTML/XML source can be gzip co...

mPDF 10 Jun 2008 | 07:26 am

Updated  15/2/2012 Version 5.4 has been released (15/2/12) (see post in the Forum for more information) About mPDF mPDF is a PHP class which generates PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML. It is based...

Generating PDFs in PHP 3 Dec 2010 | 01:25 am

For several recent projects I’ve been called upon to produce output in PDF format. For a PHP coder the difficulty lies not in the task itself, but in choosing which of the numerous PDF generation libr...

iphone sdk pdf tutorial 8 Jul 2012 | 09:08 am

Generating PDF Documents Working with raw PDF documents can be a time consuming and frustrating task. This tutorial will teach you how to use the VFR Libraryto quickly access, display, and browse PDF...

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