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Inserting HTML into a HAML template 13 Mar 2012 | 01:27 pm
This is more of a "note to self" post. I recently had a case where a Rails views helper was outputting raw HTML. I needed it to display within a HAML template. Rather than modify the helper to output ...
Patching Formtastic to append HTML to input list elements 19 Jul 2011 | 04:09 am
Formtastic is pretty killer when it comes to creating nice looking forms very quickly. I love the short syntax compared to the default Rails form helpers, but sometimes I find the black box helpers a ...
Secure Your Application : The Basic (3) 18 Aug 2013 | 03:25 pm
上篇: Secure Your Application : The Basic (2) 5. bypass HTML Escape Rails 預設對所有 helper 出來的字串,先都過了一層 html escape。所以是相當安全的。 但是,在開發者設計一些複雜的元件時,通常會不小心打破這個原則。如美術設計師對該元素下了複雜的 HTML,程式設計師為了貪方便可能就會這樣串接,最後再下一個...
Nested layouts in Rails 3 24 Dec 2010 | 01:36 am
This an update/rewrite of my previous post nested layouts – as that version no longer works with Rails 3. Code Add the above helper method in your ApplicationHelper or wherever you see fit. Example...
Mongoid Embedded Documents embeds_many form example using simple_form 17 Jan 2012 | 06:17 am
Below is an example of how to produce a form for an embeds_many association for mongoid and simple_form (although this will also work with the standard rails helpers). And on the view side then we ca...
Alison Burns selected as Lib Dem candidate for Dundee City West 28 Mar 2011 | 12:50 pm
Alison Burns at Tay Rail Bridge Liberal Democrats in Dundee have formally adopted well known Dundee lawyer and jazz singer Alison Burns as their parliamentary candidate for the re-named “Dundee City ...
Des rails ,de la rouille et de la dentelle 3 Mar 2010 | 07:52 am
La tendance qui me ravit en ce moment , c'est le retour de la dentelle!Je pense que vous avez pu vous rendre compte par vous meme ,on trouve dans chaque magasin ou e-shop de superbes selections d'a...
YUI TreeView with Ruby on Rails 27 May 2008 | 03:48 pm
Here’s some code I’m using to generate a dynamic tree view using an acts_as_tree model with slug and title fields, the TreeView widget from YUI, and a Rails helper. I chopped out some of the code for ...
CakePHP Timezone Helper with jQuery 24 Sep 2011 | 02:55 am
If you are using the updated Timezone Helper for CakePHP you can help your visitors to select a right timezone by guessing their system’s timezone and preselecting an option in the drop-down list. Ins...
Rails Documentation Project website: select_tag options not completely documented [#5] 19 Jul 2007 | 09:14 am
"select_tag" does not currently support the :prompt option as does the "select" form helper sorry, please disregard ticket (could not find any way to actually delete this ticket even though i submitt...