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Meglepően új elmélet a rák kialakulásáról 11 May 2011 | 09:14 pm
A mindannyiunk szervezetében megtalálható ős-DNS okozhatja a rákos megbetegedéseket - az új elméletről Sinkovics József, a Dél-Floridai Egyetem professzora tart szerdán előadást a Semmelweis Egyetemen...
Nem előzi meg a rákot a a multivitaminok szedése 25 Mar 2011 | 05:27 am
Több mint 180 ezer ember adatainak elemzése alapján állapították meg amerikai kutatók, hogy a multivitaminokat szedők és azokat nem szedők körében ugyanolyan arányban fordul elő a rák, illetve a szívr...
MP3: Bark Cat Bark - Iceland Iceland slides from its continental... 2 Apr 2009 | 11:17 am
MP3: Bark Cat Bark - Iceland Iceland slides from its continental shelf and looks for a place to sleep undisturbed, leaving a plateau centimeters below sea level. They didn’t get very far with the lit...
Blue Lagoon Anti-Aging Day Cream Review and Giveaway 23 Dec 2010 | 02:40 am
Well, I just heard about the Blue Lagoon geothermal spa located in Iceland and I must say, it sounds fabulous! The Blue Lagoon geothermal seawater is a part of an ecocycle where nature and science wor...
Rak Buku Metal Brother B-902 5 Aug 2010 | 02:40 am
Rak Buku Metal Brother B-902 Merk : Brother, Tipe : B-901, Ukuran : 183 (T), 100 (L), 30 (D) cm
Rak Besi Serba Guna Brother 5 Aug 2010 | 02:37 am
Rak Besi Serba Guna Brother; Merk : Brother, Tipe : B-901, Ukuran : 200 (T), 100 (L), 38 (D) cm 20 Apr 2010 | 04:02 am
So I think it's time I updated you guys! I am currently in London, UK; I should have been in New York in a few hours! I am sure you are aware of the volcano that took place in iceland (if you're not y...
Hayatınızı 7 Kat Kolaylaştıracak 7 Firefox Eklentisi 10 Apr 2009 | 08:31 pm
Firefox ile ilgili her an bir şeyler karalayabilmek mümkün. Her gün yayınlanan yüzlerce eklentiyi bırakın yükleyip test etmeyi, takip bile edemiyoruz. Güzelce derlenmiş daha önce çok bahsedilmemiş ol...
Gurbetin kahrını sen çekemezsin sözleri 25 Feb 2012 | 02:53 pm
Gurbetin kahrını sen çekemezsin Düşer bir kötüye çürür gidersin Ellerin koynunda nasıl yatarsın Bırak şu gurbeti garip sevdiğim Ananın babanın eli yüzünde Ümit verenlerin durmaz sözünde Sakız ol...
top five various 001 22 May 2011 | 10:14 pm
I can't pick just five, so I'm breaking mine into categories TOP FIVE COUNTRIES 1. USA 2. Canada 3. Italy 4. Argentina 5. Iceland TOP FIVE LARGE CITIES 1. San Francisco 2. Vancouver 3. Rome 4. Bueno...