Most safari chrome related news are at: – Makowe ABC

Steve Ballmer — złote myśli i cytaty → 27 Aug 2013 | 04:30 pm

No, I do not [have an iPod]. Nor do my children. My children — in many dimensions they’re as poorly behaved as many other children, but at least on this dimension I’ve got my kids brainwashed — you do...

Nexus 7 — wyjmujemy z pudełka → 27 Aug 2013 | 01:39 pm

Wczoraj po południu dojechał Nexus 7 (model z 2013) i został mi przekazany celem zrobienia stosownej dokumentacji zdjęciowej. Dominik, który jest winny istnienia najnowszego Nexusa w redakcji, ma trad...

More safari chrome related news:

[CSS] How to rotate an element in pure CSS 7 May 2012 | 06:20 am

Rotating an element using CSS3 is very simple and is supported by all the fine browsers: Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and even IE9. The code is as follows: Unfortunatelly for IE7 and IE8 we need di...

Строительный шаблон для DLE 10 Apr 2012 | 09:20 am

Название: irma Версия DLE: 9,0 Комплектация: tpl,css, js, img Автор адаптации: bin112 ( Кроссбраузерность: Opera, IE, Safari, Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Netscape

HTML 5 video example 21 Mar 2012 | 05:43 am

Using the HTML 5 video tag to play video in Firefox, Safari, Chrome and on handheld platforms

Protect Your Website From Viruses in 3 Easy Steps 18 Apr 2012 | 12:53 pm

The other day, I was reviewing my website as I often do.  I view it with all the major browsers. Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari, Chrome and Opera. I do this so I appreciate my visitors’ experience...

phpFox V3 – 彩虹条模板 22 Apr 2012 | 02:38 pm

彩虹条模板专为娱乐设计而设计 phpFox 版本: 3.0以上(什么是phpFox,请点击此处详细了解>>>) 功能特色: 特色视频模块 最新音乐专辑模块 29种颜色,一键点击更换模板 HTML5 视频集,可直接分享视频地址(支持MP4,FLV,WMV,AVI等格式) 支持播放列表 已测试浏览器: IE7+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera 演示: ...

mbeMobileSlider – A Photo and HTML Slider for Your Mobile Needs 30 Sep 2011 | 08:40 pm

Because we needed a slider that would work on both mobile and normal browsers we made the mbeMobileSlider. It works really well on Webkit Browsers (Safari, Chrome, iOs Safari etc) but not just on them...

Testeer Free Wordpress Theme 13 Dec 2010 | 06:03 pm

Testeer Theme is a modern, clean WordPress Theme. It has a management console, is widget ready and is an easily customizable theme to use.Works in IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and is compl...

Switching Browsers - From Firefox to Safari/Chrome 12 Sep 2009 | 07:49 am

From time to time we hear complains about web browsers. Recently, major sites like Youtube added a notice to it main page warning Internet Explorer 6 users that the browser will be discontinued shortl...

Avast Free Antivirus for Mac Version: 7.0 24 May 2012 | 08:47 pm

Avast Free Antivirus for Mac offers three shields,on-demand scanning and WebRep clients which are automatically (optionally) installed to Safari, Chrome and Firefox browsers. Our Web Shield and Mail S...

Safari Vector SVG for Inkscape 3 Mar 2010 | 05:25 am

Here is a vector redraw of the Safari chrome in Inkscape. You can use this to do quick web site mockups in Inkscape. Took me about half an hour to sketch and another hour or so to get pixel-perfect (...

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