Most scala partial function related news are at:
Json Jerk: a flexible JSON parser 10 Dec 2011 | 01:16 pm
I just pushed Json Jerk to Github. Json Jerk is a flexible and fast JSON parser written in Java. It consists of several composable parts for tokenizing, (un)escaping, parsing, and handling of semantic...
Union types 13 Jun 2011 | 01:55 am
In his recent blog post Miles Sabin came up with an ingenious way of expressing union types in Scala. A union type is the union of some types: its values are the union of the values of each of the ind...
More scala partial function related news:
f|b|fb|f|(b|fb)f|f|(f|(b|fb)f)f|b|(f|(f|(b|fb)f)f)b|f|(b|(f|(f|(b|fb)f)f)b)f|(g|(f|(b|(f|(f|(b|fb)f)f)b)f)g)(fbffbfg)*(f|fb|fbf|fbff|fbffb|fbffbf){0,1... 27 Jun 2012 | 04:20 am
I invented/discovered/came-upon "Inverse Fizzbuzz" while mucking about with Scala & Partial Functions. While Fizzbuzz answers the question "Can Shipper code ? ", Inverse Fizzbuzz tells you "How we...
Scala, Patterns and The Perl Effect 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
My friend James Ward was explaining some of the struggles he had learning Scala, in particular partial functions.
Do not trust Safe PC Cleaner optimizer 7 May 2013 | 08:00 pm
Safe PC Cleaner presents itself as a system optimization tool and it is even able to locate some PC issues. However, despite of it being partially functional, Safe PC Cleaner is a fraudulent program.S...
Clojure: Testing The Creation Of A Partial Function 14 May 2013 | 05:00 pm
I recently refactored some code that takes longs from two different sources to compute one value. The code originally stored the longs and called a function when all of the data arrived. The refactore...
Clojure: Testing The Creation Of A Partial Function 14 May 2013 | 05:00 pm
I recently refactored some code that takes longs from two different sources to compute one value. The code originally stored the longs and called a function when all of the data arrived. The refactore...
Erlang Debugging and UTF-16 7 Apr 2009 | 09:51 am
I’ve been teaching myself Erlang. It’s a great Functional Programming language. I’ve also dabbled a little with Scala. Besides wanting to learn a new computer language, I’ve also wanted to port some...
So Scala is too complex? 25 Aug 2010 | 09:04 am
There is currently lots of talk about Scala being to complex. Instead of more arguing I implemented the same bit of functionality in Scala and in Java and let everyone decide for themselves. There is...
Naïveté to Brilliance 21 Feb 2012 | 09:12 pm
Unlike Scala, even beginning learners of Clojure will experience the fun of functional programming almost immediately. Converting the Rails function “simple_format” from Ruby def simple_format(text....
First-class polymorphic function values in shapeless (2 of 3) — Natural Transformations in Scala 10 May 2012 | 10:02 pm
Last time we saw that Scala’s standard function values weren’t going to help us in our goal of mapping over an HList because they’re insufficiently polymorphic. In this article I’m going to start expl...
First-class polymorphic function values in shapeless (1 of 3) — Function values in Scala 28 Apr 2012 | 03:39 am
One of the distinguishing features of the HList (a data structure which combines the characteristics of both sequences and tuples) implementation in shapeless is its support for a map() higher-order f...