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Как отправлять сообщения в Skype с помощью Ctrl + Enter 14 Feb 2013 | 02:40 am

С выходом версии Skype 6 для Windows  миноги пользователи, привыкшие отправлять сообщение при помощи сочетания Ctrl + Enter. Настройка просто пропала их программы. Проблема широко обсуждалась на офици...

Как отключить обновление Skype 5 13 Nov 2011 | 12:56 am

Многие пользователи Skype уже заметили, что в последних версиях программы исчезла опция, позволяющая отключить автоматическое обновление  Skype. Однако некоторых такая ситуация не устраивает по нескол...

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Bendras Pentax chat'as 31 Dec 2008 | 01:52 am

Pentaxistų skype chat'as jei dar kas nežinojot Pentax chat:*%29+%29&blob=hNxwPKazktuqHcY9Iml...

the doppelganger. 11 Mar 2010 | 12:05 pm

i was sitting right in front of my housemate syed zahid when my laptop made the skype sound. someone wants to chat with me! this is the skype chat: syed zahid: hello your name? *stupid handshaking e...

Skype for iPhone allows address book hack 20 Sep 2011 | 08:37 pm

In a video posted last weekend, security researcher Phil Purviance shows how to easily extract a users address book using some simple JavaScript code in a Skype chat. “I’m going to send a user on an ...

Dnešní skype chat s Tomem Čuprem - oprava za 24 min 57 s 21 Jun 2011 | 10:01 pm

[21.6.11 11:32:02] Tom: cus [21.6.11 11:33:17] Ondřej Raška: čus [21.6.11 11:33:33] Tom: @vlczak pracuje v Pixmacu? [21.6.11 11:33:38] Ondřej Raška: jo [21.6.11 11:33:42] Tom: vlczak: Proč mě @sle...

Skype emoticons 25 Jan 2010 | 03:40 am

Here is the big list of all of the possible Skype emoticons and smileys that you can use in the Skype chat client, including the hidden and secret ones! It’s a long list, but I know that you love cha...

How Did Turkey overcome 2001 Debt Crisis : A Harvard Paper 28 Dec 2011 | 09:50 am

It hasn’t been a lot of time since I had a SKYPE chat with a good friend from Turkey, one of Major Entrepreneurs in his country and a lovely person.  He mentioned Turkey’s Debt Crisis in 2001 and that...

Celebrating 20 Episodes of The Creative Coding Podcast 22 Feb 2012 | 03:24 am

Last January, me and Seb Lee-Delisle had an idea to record our Skype chats, and launched The Creative Coding Podcast. Here we are just over a year later, and we've got 20 episodes! We've had an amazin...

OMclub - Die Party zur OMD 2008 4 Sep 2008 | 08:42 am

Grade im Skype Chat mitbekommen, endlich gibt es neben der offiziellen OMD Party auch eine echte Alternative. Kurz die Fakten: - Kein Eintritt - Kostenlose Getränke - Keine Sperrstunde - weitere ...

10 Skype Chat Tricks for Power Users 5 Jul 2012 | 07:41 pm

1. Change the Font and Text Size Skype's default text size for chat is teeny. However, you can easily make it larger — and even change the type of font used. Go to the Tools menu at the top of your ...

Sync Skype chat history across Multiple Machines 13 Jun 2012 | 10:40 am

Yesterday, I wanted to browse through the links saved in my skype chat done from another machine. As skype stores all its history locally and does not push it to cloud, it was not possible to retrieve...

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