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WordCamp Sydney 2012 – We’ll be there, will you? 28 Jun 2012 | 02:03 pm

It’s here again! If you missed out on WordCamp Gold Coast last year you’ll be glad to know that its back and this year it’s in Sydney! WordCamp is an informal gathering of WordPress users and enthusi...

WordCamp Sydney 2012 – We’ll be there, will you? 28 Jun 2012 | 11:03 am

It’s here again! If you missed out on WordCamp Gold Coast last year you’ll be glad to know that its back and this year it’s in Sydney! WordCamp is an informal gathering of WordPress users and enthusi...

More smart widget plugin related news:

FeedBurner Widget for WordPress 10 Jun 2008 | 11:18 pm

WordPress sidebar widget plugin to easy customize and display your FeedBurner subscribers stats button.

MistyLook Theme 20 Apr 2009 | 10:49 pm

New MistyLook Theme for Mediawiki is distinguished by stylish design and following functional features: - Sidebar Widgets Plugin compatibility - cooperation with Wordpress 1.5 and higher - archives...

Conceiving Widgets 2.0 14 Feb 2007 | 06:04 pm

The WordPress Widgets plugin was released almost a year ago and we have learned a lot in those months: its strengths and weaknesses, its limitations, its quirks. A year is a long time to go without an...

Add nofollow rel tags to image widget 4 Oct 2011 | 06:03 pm

So, to modify the href tag for the image widget plugin output. just open up /views/widget.php and add rel=”nofollow” inside the echo string on the 6th line. Here is a copy of my code <?php echo $befor...

Image Widget Alignment Fix 4 Oct 2011 | 12:17 pm

So, I found that my wordpress Image Widget plugin by Shane and Peter inc, was having an issue aligning in my sidebar. I noticed that when I added multiple instances of the widget, they wouldn’t line u...

Cara Menggunakan Plugins Highslide Blogdetik 1 Nov 2011 | 05:09 am

Highslide merupakan sebuah widget plugins multi fungsi yang dapat memberi banyak keuntungan bagi penggunanya. Sekalipun secara umum banyak digunakan sebagai image galllery, highslide mempunyai kemampu...

Seo Script For Blogspot, Try This 20 Feb 2011 | 10:23 pm

Do not believe, let's try. Never heard of smart link plugin SEO? Wordpress plugin that works to change every word to the keywords we have specified, and now this plugin can be installed on blogspot....

Groupon – Commission Junction (CJ) WordPress Widget Plugin that Displays Local Deals 16 Jan 2011 | 06:33 am

I have developed a Groupon -Commission Junction (CJ) WordPress Widget Plugin that automatically displays the local deals for the visitor. It allows you to plugin your Commission Junction (CJ) PID acco...

Subscribe2 Counter Widget 15 Apr 2011 | 03:15 am

Mit der aktuellen Version des Subscribe2 Plugins ist das Counter Widget Teil des Plugins und muss/kann nicht mehr separat installiert werden. Deshalb wurde das alte Counter Widget Plugin auf RTWBlog e...

Google Calendar WordPress Widget 1.2 18 Feb 2010 | 06:43 pm

Version 1.2 of the Google Calendar Widget Plugin now adds an option to allow you to expand the event entries automatically, without clicking on them. More info here

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