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Smarty Global variables in Prestashop 11 May 2012 | 07:01 pm
Here’s a complete list of the Prestashop Smarty Global variables we can use while coding out themes/modules: File / folder Description img_ps_dir URL for the PrestaShop image folder. img_cat_dir ...
C Tutorial – Constants, Variables and Data Type Modifiers 25 May 2008 | 07:46 pm
Constant A constant can be defined as “a quantity that does not change during the execution of a programâ€. Program Output 10 Here we are declaring a variable a with its initial value 10. 10 he...
Como localizar errores de variables con smarty en Prestashop 5 Oct 2011 | 11:29 pm
Para ahorrarnos tiempo y problemas cuando estamos pasando datos mediante variables a smarty de Prestashop, existe una opcion de depuración o debugging en el smarty de Prestashop. Cómo activar esta op...
COMPLETE PARTS LIST Hzf Radio Circuit Diagrams 2 May 2012 | 07:22 am
1 Broadcast and short wave antenna coil No. 14-2860 1 Broadcast and shortwave oscillator coil No. 14-2862 1 PM speaker with output transformer No. 25274 1 Variable condenser No. 26128 1 Filter choke N...
What are the uses of this and super keywords? 22 May 2012 | 04:38 am
This keyword has multiple meanings. Used as reference variable: When used as a variable, it refers to the instance of the class on which the operation has been invoked. Example Code: Output: this.a: 1...
LM723 - Variable Voltage Regulator circuit 21 Jun 2011 | 09:49 am
This is circuit variable voltage Regulator 3-30V at 3A max, by used IC LM723 for control volt stable regulated. The 2N3055 power transistor for boost up current to 3 amp. The VR1 used control output 3...
show method name and line in debug 29 Jul 2011 | 02:50 am
Here are some useful macros around NSLog I use a lot: The DLog macro is used to only output when the DEBUG variable is set (-DDEBUG in the projects’s C flags for the debug confirguration). ALog will...
Customize Team Build 2010 – Part 13: Get control over the Build Output 13 Dec 2010 | 06:57 pm
In the series the following parts have been published Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Add arguments and variables Part 3: Use more complex arguments Part 4: Create your own activity Part 5: Increase...
PHP: The big php variable type casting! 6 Nov 2011 | 02:25 am
I wrote a small script that does every available cast in PHP on every datattype. Check it out on GistHub: The output of the script should be the following: $ php ca...
Truncate text using php 19 Mar 2010 | 10:01 pm
truncate text using php This will output: This function truncates a variable to a character length, default is 50. ‘…’ is the default text to append if truncation occurs. Second parameter determin...