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How we configure memcached on fedora with machine restart 22 Jan 2010 | 03:29 am
First install the memcached on server- linux box # yum install php-pdo php-mcrypt squirrelmail php-pecl-apc php-xml php-gd php-devel php php-imap php-pgsql php-pear php-soap php-mbstring php-ldap php-...
How to install soap php with version 16 Nov 2011 | 04:37 pm
By default when you using command "yum install php-soap", this will install the latest version so you have to install latest dependencies, if do not want to do this, so you want install exact version ...
When do you have too much code? 27 Apr 2010 | 09:54 am
I was integrating a symfony project with Paypal’s Express checkout system last week. Having not messed with this API in several years, I went to Paypal’s site and downloaded their SOAP PHP SDK for int...
How to install soap php with version 16 Nov 2011 | 11:37 am
By default when you using command "yum install php-soap", this will install the latest version so you have to install latest dependencies, if do not want to do this, so you want install exact version ...
When do you have too much code? 27 Apr 2010 | 05:54 am
I was integrating a symfony project with Paypal’s Express checkout system last week. Having not messed with this API in several years, I went to Paypal’s site and downloaded their SOAP PHP SDK for int...
Mac OS X 10.7 LionのMAMP PRO 2.0.1にPEARをインストール&SSIを設定 13 Dec 2011 | 10:23 pm
$ /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/bin/pear install Notice: unserialize(): Erro [...]
5 أدوات مفيدة لمطور الويب 1 Nov 2010 | 06:49 pm
Javascript unpacker and beautifier لترتيب وتنظيم أكواد JS PHP CSS Browser Selector ملف صغير الحجم لكتابة Fixes لمجموعة من المتصفحات، خصوصا IE browsers resizeMyBrowser لتجربة قياسات مختلفة للشاشة، أد...
6 أدوات لا يمكنني العيش بدونها 23 Oct 2010 | 11:58 pm
1. PHP Designer محرر PHP, CSS, XHTML, MySQL, JS البرنامج يوفر خصائص أكثر مما احتاج فعليا، جربت PHPStrom وكان رائعا وبخصائص جديدة، (أنصح بتجربته). حاليا ابحث عن محرر يدعم CSS3 و HTML5، سمعت أن PHPDesi...
Flash Portfolio Website CMS - MotoCMS 13 Jan 2012 | 12:35 am
Flash Portfolio Website CMS - MotoCMS SWF | FLA | XML | PHP | PSD | ZIP | 107MB With Moto Flash CMS you will get an opportunity to create a professional, fully editable and extensible Flash website. ...
PHP Summit in London 26 Feb 2012 | 01:00 am
With all PHP topics, nothing counts more than their practical application. This is why offers highly interactive and practical workshops. Based on their own specific needs and questions, the...