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PubSubHubBub (puSH) 11 Aug 2010 | 03:54 am

Hey Guys, It’s JD, last video is amazing! GO watch it! Incoming search terms for the article:pubsubhubbub chat example

Node.js + Socket.IO for real-time chat 16 Dec 2011 | 06:09 am

This is a follow up to the previous lesson,Node.js, Comet, real-time chat — a great first project. Although useful, it’s not required to have gone through it. Let’s take that real-time chat we made a...

WebSockets – Varnish, Nginx, and Node.js 27 Mar 2012 | 05:28 am

Like many others I have been drawn in by the appeal of websockets and their use in (near) real-time communication. As such one of my current projects uses Node.js and websockets (via To ma...

Node.js server and Web Sockets on Amazon EC2 with Express.js and Socket.IO 20 Jun 2011 | 09:44 pm

For testing multiplayer connectivity I set up an Amazon Web Services EC2 micro instance to host a node.js app. This post will cover setting up and installing node.js (working with sudo), npm (working ...

Express Sessions with connect-redis + Socket.IO in CoffeeScript 12 Feb 2012 | 04:14 pm

If you are working with Socket.IO and Express Framework while developing your applications you must know they work together so Socket.IO will listen on the same port that your HTTP/S server and will s...

Real-time persistent long-running connections with WebSync 7 Feb 2012 | 10:55 pm

Because we think it is very important to serve our users changes and notifications in a real-time fashion, we evaluated a lot of tools, components to achieve this. First we looked at Socket.IO, NowJs ...

Feedhose demo: Real-time RSS using Node.js and 14 Oct 2010 | 12:09 am

Yesterday evening, I released an experimental Node.js/ application: Just leave your web browser open, and watch the New York Times headlines scroll by. Dave Winer i...

Getting Socket.IO to Run On Windows Node.JS Setup (Until NPM is Built) 22 Nov 2011 | 01:09 pm

I just spent a little bit of time figuring out how to get Socket.IO to run on a Windows Node.JS setup. The best line in Ryan Dahl’s intro to Node.JS video is: Windows is very important. Just like php...

Node.js PaaS Hosting Comparison 15 Aug 2012 | 09:11 pm

nodejitsu.png TL;DR: Nodejitsu. Ok, but let's do a fair comparison. I'm coming from the standpoint of DerbyJS deployment, and a desire for to work (even if it has to fall back on XHR polli...

Using With Express 3.x 26 Aug 2012 | 12:39 am

Excited about version 3.x of Express, the Node.js web framework? It has some great new features, and is certainly worth migrating to. Many of my apps make use of, one of my favorite Node mod...

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