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Firefox下CSS里调用的图片显示不出来? 16 Jul 2012 | 08:21 pm

近期公司网站上部分图片启用了CDN,并且加上了防盗链,一切访问正常。但某同事在Firefox下浏览时发现,图片显示不了。 查询后,发现同在CDN上的图片,部分图片访问不了,显示403 Forbidden,但有部分又是可以正常访问的。清缓存,依旧。 再检查,发现是css里调的图片显示不出来,而页面上直接用<img src="">方式调用的图片都可以正常显示。 其它浏览器,IE6~9,Chrome均正...

判断文件存在用is_file还是file_exists? 28 Jun 2012 | 10:14 am

判断文件存在用is_file还是file_exists? 在写程序时发现在判断文件是否存在时,有两种写法,有的人用了is_file,有的人用了file_exists,用哪个更好或者说更合适呢? 看了这篇PHP中file_exists与is_file,is_dir的区别的说法基本明白,PHP的 file_exists = is_dir + is_file。 写程序验证一下: 分别执行1000...

More sphinx failed to lock related news:

Almost Perfect 15 Aug 2013 | 11:15 pm

****1/2 is my rating for my Nexus 7 so far. It didn’t receive the full five due to a GPS problem. As reported in the tech news, it either fails to lock on to a signal or when it does, drops it in shor...

VMware WorkStation Failed to lock the file 24 Aug 2013 | 11:45 am

Ada kalahnya sebuah projek virtualisasi yang sedang running mengalami poweroff secara paksa, baik dilakukan oleh guest yang bersangkutan ataupun terjadi kecelakaan seperti komputer host yang powernya ...

“Won’t install” problem 15 Nov 2010 | 04:21 am

There are occasional problems with Android Market that make it impossible to install a paid app. The installation fails because of a locked file. Solutions are to mount the phone on the PC and manuall...

Login Lock for WordPress 27 Apr 2011 | 11:03 am

A WordPress Security plugin that enforces strong password policies, monitors login attempts, blocks IP address for too many failed login attempts, and logs out idle users. Description Login Lock provi...

Gaming Desktop Computer 17 Mar 2011 | 01:15 pm

Gaming Desktop Computer : A gaming desktop computer is optimized for smooth game play. Unlike ordinary PC's, these specially designed units won't crash, lock up or otherwise fail when playing the late...

Forex Trend Following - 3 Steps to Catching the Mega Moves 12 Sep 2010 | 12:38 am

The big Forex trends last a long time and you can lock into them and make huge profits yet, most traders fail to do this, despite the fact it makes such big gains. Let's take a look at how to do it co...

Securing your shops and offices – Electronic Strike 11 May 2012 | 12:19 am

Tweet When it comes to security and access control for your shops and offices the easy and power-fail safe  Electronic door lock device would be the Electronic Strike.  Even though there are several o...

Defendius Security Lock Fail 13 Nov 2010 | 10:07 am

Defendius Security Lock Fail “Honey, Did you lock the Door?” “Working on it, Dear!” The Defendius Security Lock, not only designed for safety, but frustration!! But I guess this is marketed to the 198...

Unlocking Webasto Aux. Heater on a VW Touran 26 Dec 2011 | 09:46 am

The Webasto Aux. Heater can be unlocked through VCDS. It may be come locked do to a broken water pump or simply failed starts. The heater is locked if it reports the following fault code: The heater...

Retrieving Your Customer Number or Password Information 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am

After five failed login attempts your account will be locked. If your account has been locked or you don't remember your customer number or password, use our Account Retrieval System to retrieve or re...

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