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Плувен маратон на гребната база в Пловдив 18 Aug 2013 | 04:23 pm

Мултиспорт предизвикателството България организира плувен маратон, който ще се проведе на 25 август 2013г. на Гребната база в град Пловдив. Организаторите залагат не на състезателния, а на олимпийския...

Кратък анализ на плувната техника на Sun Yang на 1500 метра 9 Aug 2013 | 12:43 pm

Докато всички плувци се учат да плуват по учебник, учебниците се пишат по плувната техника на Sun Yang. прочети повече

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卫报评选的2011年度最佳歌曲和专辑 28 Dec 2011 | 08:59 pm

由英国《卫报》编辑们投票评选的今年四十首最佳歌曲。 1 Lana Del Rey – Video Games 2 Azealia Banks – 212 3 Tyler, the Creator – Yonkers 4 Joe Goddard – Gabriel ft Valentina 5 Frank Ocean – Swim Good 6 Nicki Minaj – Super B...

3 Days Bay of Islands Explorer (Auckland to Auckland) 29 Jul 2008 | 01:29 am

Teaser: Explore the 144 islands that make up the famous Bay of Islands on the northern tip of New Zealand. Enjoy a wildlife cruise, swimming, snorkelling and a unique island stay on this scenic and ....

Tomorrow is the big day. 15 Aug 2009 | 09:36 am

Friends, Tomorrow morning, I'll swim 1.5 miles from Alcatraz to SF to benefit the American Liver Foundation. I set my fund raising goal at $10k, and I'm already 30% of the way there. If you've alread...

American Beaches: What To Do While You Are There 12 Dec 2007 | 01:00 pm

Fun filled attractions and sports including rafting tours, sailing instruction, scuba diving, rowboat, canoe, sailing, swimming pools and underwater diving

Studying Out and about Island destinations, Bahamas 25 Mar 2012 | 08:23 am

In the spring connected with 1968, my dad ran her boat onto some sort of coral formations reef in the Bahamas. Just after swimming for you to shoreline from your half-sunken break, he / she finished u...

Watercraft Shipping and Winterization Tips and Tricks 6 Nov 2010 | 05:31 am

The season for swimming has come to an end unless you’re one of those polar bear type people, in which case the season is just beginning. But for the rest of us who like take out our jet skies, speed ...

При Бивола 12 Mar 2011 | 01:15 am

Драги читатели, Както може би знаете, заедно с Асен Йорданов от Бургас списваме сайта за разследваща журналистика Биволъ: Ангажирам съм също и със сайта Болканлийкс: http://www.b...

Lake Del Valle East Swim Beach to Open for Memorial Day Holiday 24 May 2012 | 09:34 am

Contact name Emily Hopkins News Lake Del Valle East Swim Beach to Open for Memorial Day Holiday The East Bay Regional Park District will have guarded swimming in the East Beach area of Del Valle R...

Belated Happy New Year 5 Jan 2011 | 07:50 am

Well, better late than never. A very, veery small gift from us: Dengeki Daisy extra 2. I vividly remember my first dream of 2011. I jumped off a helicopter into a swimming pool and swam with beluga wh...

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