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Comparing Japanese & Swiss Tourism Efforts 11 Sep 2012 | 01:08 pm
By Terrie Lloyd, CEO of In mid-August the government started putting out press releases about the resurgence in inbound tourism to Japan — it’s a good-news story. Over 845,000 [...]
VIETNAM Tourism Culture Festival Japan 2010 24 Jun 2010 | 04:33 am
昨日、今日と東京国際フォーラムでVIETNAM Tourism CultureFestival Japan 2010と言う、ベトナム文化スポーツ観光省と在日ベトナム大使館が主催したフェスティバルが行われました。 今日はGala-ディナーパーティーが行われました。 HOANG TUAN ANH大臣、NGUYEN PHU BINH特命全権大使を始め、各国の大使館の方々と。 日本人の挨拶は福田元総理大臣...
China-Japan Tourism Industry Forum held in Osaka 4 Jun 2011 | 07:50 am
A Chinese delegation of about 100 officials from local government tourism bureaus, travel agencies and Chinese airlines is visiting Japan. The China-Japan Tourism Industry Forum was held in Osaka on ...
Vietnam to launch tourism campaign in Japan 21 Apr 2010 | 03:02 pm
One hundred gigantic posters showing images of the Vietnamese country and people will be hung in 45 subway stations around Tokyo in 2010, according to the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (V...
India, China to drive global tourism industry 9 Dec 2010 | 07:15 am
Intro: China and India are the key hospitality markets that by 2015 will have rapid tourism growth on year-on-year basis than the United Kingdom, France or Japan, reveals a new report. According to....
Tsang praises Japan tourism deals 19 Feb 2009 | 08:02 pm
Visiting Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang on Wednesday praised Japan for signing accords with Hong Kong to boost tourism and launch a working holiday system. Speaking at the Japan National Pres...
Japan Tour 16 Feb 2009 | 08:29 pm offers some of the most out-of-the-ordinary Japan tours and vacations. Many of the Japan tour packages feature unique opportunities pertaining to Japan tourism, that you are not likely to ...
YOUTH 5 Jan 2011 | 07:44 pm
Sex ed – Coalition for Positive Sexuality Health – Gay Is OK Culture, Japanese – Queer Samurai Japan for Gay Youth Culture, Spanish – Isla Ternura Culture, Swiss – Lambda Community, San Francisco...
Obermutten Swiss Village Facebook for Global Attn, Tourism $$$ 7 Dec 2011 | 11:08 pm
Social media when done well can help any one, any thing, any place. Here is another great example! The tiny village of Obermutten in the Graubünden area of Switzerland has gotten itself a sizable onl...
Serbia goes after tourists using…. cooked testicles! 18 Aug 2010 | 12:12 am
Swiss chocolate, Scottish whisky and Serbian… baked Ostrich scrotum, fried kangaroo testicles, barbecued reindeer balls. Local tourism officials are hoping for a home run. “The importance of a reco...