Most the frog and bucket related news are at:
PRESTON 23 Aug 2013 | 05:50 pm
Preston Comedian of the Year 2013 Preston Comedian of the Year 2013! All acts in this competition have won Beat the Frog in the past year so you’re in for a treat! 3 winners from each heat that go ...
MANCHESTER 6 Aug 2013 | 09:38 pm
Women In Comedy Festival 2013 – OCTOBER 1) : ?> hide "> --> Tue 1st Oct Add--> ">--> --> --> Buy tickets Women In Comedy Festival 2013 WOMEN IN COMEDY FESTIVAL 2013 LAUNCH SHOW! ::::: We ar...
More the frog and bucket related news:
Levitating Frogs and Free Energy 9 Aug 2009 | 12:00 pm
June 2005 by Steven Novella, MD When I was a child some of my favorite toys were simple magnets. I was fascinated by the way they could push or pull on each other at a distance with an invisible for...
Charlie Bucket 6 Jan 2011 | 05:53 am
You love fashion designing? Than you surly love Charlie Bucket. Charlie Bucket is creator of fluid dress. The dress is made from 600 feet of knitted tubing and powered by a pump. For this artwork Buck...
Stuck on a plane with a violin, trombone, trumpet, recorder and a bunch of hippies - what could possibly go wrong 17 May 2012 | 03:55 pm
A Canadian Airlines plane is delayed on the the Lemon Bucket Orchestra pulls out their instruments and goes all folk crazy in the da house. Love this. Watch the video and enjoy Hat Tip the Consumeris...
Pawlenty Gets Gay Bombed By Glittery San Francisco 18 Jun 2011 | 03:05 pm
Members of the anti-war group Code Pink surprised Tim Pawlenty Thursday at a book signing for his new bio, “Courage to Stand,” by unleashing buckets of pink confetti and glitter on his head. The activ...
Frogs: A Chorus of Colors 9 Mar 2009 | 11:00 am
On exhibit at The Museum of Science, Boston, from February 13 to May 25, 2009. Dart poison frogs from the rainforests of the Americas come in a dizzying array of colors and patterns. Some are used by...
Group projects: How to handle being the leader 5 Nov 2011 | 06:01 am
Kermit the frog likes to sing that “it’s not that easy being green,” and the same goes for being the leader of a group. When you’re the person in charge, you have a lot to manage. There are deadlines,...
Northern leopard frogs in Boulder County Open Space 27 Apr 2011 | 06:54 am
Ladies in Boulder in search of a prince now have new options if they’re looking in Boulder County open space. Northern leopard frogs have been spotted in four different locations. Photo courtesy of ...
New Release – Support for Bucket Policies 7 Jul 2010 | 02:42 pm
We are pleased to announce a new release with support for Bucket Policies. Bucket Polices allow you to define access control on S3 buckets using Amazon’s “Access Policy Language”. Latest version can ...
New Release – Support for Singapore EndPoint 29 Apr 2010 | 02:50 pm
We are pleased to announce a new version of Bucket Explorer. Its basically a patch release, which fixes some minor issues from the last release (March 28th, 2010.04.00.00). This version also adds supp...
New Release – Enhanced Support for S3 Versioning and Private Streaming 29 Mar 2010 | 02:11 pm
We are pleased to announce a new release of Bucket Explorer. This will be our last supported version on Java 5. When we release a new version next time, we will only support Java 6 or above. In this ...