Most the inopportune moma related news are at: – AC/HVAC Repair Resources | The Psycho Babble

Just lick him 6 Dec 2012 | 07:17 pm

Baby Why is a character. He has developed a full-blown personality already, and it’s a weird one. In other words, he fits right in. The other day, he was growling at me and biting me. This is a fairly...

Long Story-Short Version 19 Nov 2012 | 09:17 pm

So where I went, and why I did, is a long story with many things and people involved. The short version is that I was juggling personal stuff and internet stuff. I scaled back on the internet stuff- d...

More the inopportune moma related news:

MoMA | Cindy Sherman 9 May 2012 | 04:47 am

MoMA | Cindy Sherman CSS Art TypeB (1 votes, average: 7 out of 10)

La lutte biologique pour le jardinage sans chimie 11 May 2010 | 07:49 pm

Le jardin ou le balcon sont nos lieux de prédilection pour se ressourcer, et ils ont toujours une surprise à nous révéler. Malheureusement chaque jardin connaît son lot de locataires inopportuns, par ...

Thoughts on MoMA`s Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream 29 Mar 2012 | 09:11 am

Ok so I havnt had time to read all the critiques and or thoughts on the final proposals from the workshop, but I will update my final thoughts then. In Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, part o...

0xc000007b – How to Fix 0xc000007b Easily 26 Nov 2011 | 07:11 am

Many computer users are familiar with the dreaded 0xc000007b error. Indeed, it can come at the most inopportune times and will completely prevent an application from launching. It also seems to occur ...

WIN a Haan Total HD 60 Sweep Steamer!! 11 May 2012 | 01:14 am

Thanks to Haan and At Home Moma, a bunch of us fellow bloggers, have gotten together to promote a Haan Total HD 60 Sweep Steamer giveaway!  It is a $149.95 Value and a huge time saver. Check this out...

Piet Modrian 4 Feb 2007 | 12:41 pm

This is the painting that knocks the wind out of me at the MOMA. Brings tears. Seems the most sacred. ‘Everything was spotless white, like a laboratory. In a light smock, with his clean-shaven face, ...

Olafur Eliasson 21 Apr 2009 | 10:47 am

Olafur Eliasson travaille la perception dans les espaces qu'il imagine. Dans la vidéo qui suit, il revient sur le titre de l'exposition présentée au printemps dernier au MoMA. Le temps devient une don...

TALK TO ME (and then take a pic) 7 Sep 2011 | 01:04 pm

The other week I attended the MOMA’s latest exhibit, Talk to Me: Design and the Communication between People and Objects. The exhibit focuses on the shift from function to meaning of objects in the wa...

Magnolia Bakery (2/5) on Yelp 16 Jan 2012 | 02:58 pm

I happened to just walk by on a Saturday on the way to MOMA so decided to pop in. Though it was cute and everything looked beautiful, I have to admit I wasn't a fan. I ate a bit of the cake itself…

MoMA and Cinecitta Luce celebrate Bernardo Bertolucci with a complete career retrospective 25 Dec 2010 | 09:02 am

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: e-Flux <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 1:39 PM Subject: MoMA and Cinecitta Luce celebrate Bernardo Bertolucci with a complete career r...

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